Family Guy | Season 1
© 1999 20th Century Fox Television
Family Guy is one of the longest running (and arguably the funniest) cartoon shows ever to come out of the USA. It follows the dysfunctional Griffin family; Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and their talking dog Brian as they survive life in a small Rhode Island town. Expect filth, cursing, sick jokes and twisted animation. All the things we really love, huh?!
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Clip 1 S01 E01: "Death Has a Shadow" |
Stewie is an evil genius. He might only be twelve-months-old (and like Peter Pan never seems to get any older) but don't underestimate his capabilities. Or his evil. Especially not that. |
Stewie |
Excellent! The mind control device is nearing completion. |
Lois |
Stewie, I said no toys at the table. |
Stewie |
Damn you, vile woman! You've impeded my work since the day I escaped from your wretched womb! |
Clip 2 S01 E01: "Death Has a Shadow" |
Peter is taking communion. He's imbibed the body of Christ and is about to do the same with the blood. For those not familiar with the ceremony, it's bread and red wine. Just to be clear. |
Peter |
[Takes a sip of red wine from the communion cup and cough-spits it out] |
Woah! Is that really the blood of Christ? |
Priest |
Yes. |
Peter |
Man, that guy must've been wasted twenty-four hours a day, eh?! |
Clip 3 S01 E01: "Death Has a Shadow" |
Peter has brought a porno tape to a bachelor party. Is that a thing? I mean we call them "Stag Nights" and they're the same thing but never has anyone showed up with a porno. |
Guest |
Hey. Did you bring the porno? |
Peter |
Did I bring the porno, eh? |
[He holds up a VHS tape entitled "Assablanca"] |
You're gonna love it. It's a classic. |
Rick |
Listen to me, Ilsa... if I take this thing out and you're not on it, you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but soon and for the rest of your life. |
Peter |
Oh, come on, Ilsa. Get on! |
[And, of course, she does!] |
Clip 4 S01 E01: "Death Has a Shadow" |
This clip defies explanation, really. It's a play on words. Making G.I. Joe into G.I. Jew. Shakespeare it's not. Sorry. |
Jonathan Weed |
How are you coming, Johnson? |
Johnson |
Well, Mister Weed, I've been working on the new G.I. Jew line and as you can see, they look great. |
[He pulls the drawstring on the figurine's back] |
G.I. Jew |
You call these bagels? |
Johnson |
Whoa! I'm glad he's on our side! |
Clip 5 S01 E01: "Death Has a Shadow" |
Peter has wound up in court accused (rightly) of fraud having quietly enjoyed welfare cheques to the tune of $150,000 dollars a week following an administrative error. |
Judge |
Mister Griffin, don't you think you should have alerted the government of such a gross over-payment? |
Peter |
Well, uh... I was going to call 'em but, uh... my... my favourite episode of Diff'rent Strokes was on. You know the one where Arnold and Dudley get sexually molested by the guy who owns the bike shop? |
[We cut to a satirised reconstruction of the infamous 1983 episode of Diff'rent Strokes. The "BICYCLE MAN" is on his hands and knees facing away from ARNOLD and DUDLEY] |
Bicycle Man |
All right, now I want you boys to scream real loud at my ass. |
Peter |
And everybody learns a valuable lesson. |
Judge |
Mister Griffin, have you learned a lesson? |
Peter |
Oh, yeah. Stay the hell away from that bike shop! |
Clip 6 S01 E02: "I Never Met the Dead Man" |
Lois watches dotingly as Stewie sits on the front lawn, speaking on his Sesame Street phone. |
Lois |
Aw, look at Stewie... isn't he adorable playing with his Sesame Street phone? |
Stewie |
Put me through to the Pentagon. |
Ernie |
Do you know what sound a cow makes? |
Stewie |
Don't toy with me, Ernie. I've already dispatched with Mister Hooper. I've got six armed men stationed outside Big Bird's nest and as for Linda... well, it's rather difficult for a deaf woman to hear an assassin approach, now isn't it? |
Clip 7 S01 E02: "I Never Met the Dead Man" |
Tom Tucker is a maverick newscaster and his anchor, Diane is no less controversial. Why? Well, for stunts like this I guess. |
Tom |
Because of an accident today at the Quahog Cable Company, all television transmission will be out for an undetermined amount of time. Course, no-one can see this news programme so it doesn't really matter what we say. Heh! I'm the Lord Jesus Christ! Think I'll go get drunk and beat up some midgets. How 'bout you, Diane? |
Diane |
Well, Tom... I just plain don't like black people. |
[They both laugh] |
Cameraman |
You guys... we're still on in Boston. |
[The laughter stops] |
Clip 8 S01 E03: "Chitty Chitty Death Bang" |
Meg is your average teenager. Changeable, moody, emotional, immature, narcissistic... and Brian thinks that makes her a whiny little runt. Yes. RUNT. |
Meg |
I can't believe you'd put your family before your own daughter. |
Brian |
She's a whiny little runt, isn't she? |
Lois |
[Gasps] |
Brian |
I said runt. |
Clip 9 S01 E04: "Mind Over Murder" |
Peter has joined Quagmire in watching Chris play soccer. There are some pushy parents there and when Chris plays a handball, the argument starts. |
Parent |
Peter |
Hey, hey, hey... easy, fella. That's my kid. Now apologise. |
Parent |
Okay... I'm sorry your kid's a brain-dead, stinkin', blue cheese, FAT ASS! |
Peter |
Oh! Oh, that's it! |
[PETER punches the other parent in the face and they fall unceremoniously to the floor] |
Chris |
Way to go, Dad! |
Kid |
Hey! You hit my Mom! |
Peter |
No, I hit your Dad. |
Bystander |
Whoa, stand back... give her some air. |
Peter |
You mean... give him some air. |
Woman |
Call an ambulance... she's going into labour. |
Peter |
You mean he's going into labour - |
[The cry of a newborn baby is suddenly audible] |
Peter |
Whoops! |
Clip 10 S01 E04: "Mind Over Murder" |
Imagine if the puppet cast of Sesame Street took on some altogether more gritty and challenging roles. Crime dramas for example. Chicago PD, Chicago Fire... wouldn't that be good? |
Lois |
It's been so wonderful having you home all week. |
Peter |
Oh, thanks, Honey but honestly... I don't know how you stand being in the house all day. I'm so bored, I can't even watch TV any more. All the shows are starting to run together. |
Continuity |
This show contains adult content and is brought to you by the letter H. |
[A cartoon version of Homicide is on the Griffins' TV. The titles fade to a bedside phone ringing] |
[Groaning, a disembodied hand reaches out from beneath the comforter and picks up the receiver] |
Hello. |
[Sighs] |
Son of a b**ch. I'm on my way. |
[Hangs up and as he gets out of bed, naked, we see that the detective is none other than BERT from Sesame Street] |
Bert |
Some poor bastard got his head blown off down at a place called Hoopers. |
[He swigs from a bottle of whisky and coughs violently. We widen to show ERNIE in bed beside him] |
Ernie |
Bert, I wish you wouldn't drink so much, Bert. |
Bert |
Well, Ernie. I wish you wouldn't eat COOKIES IN THE DAMNED BED! |
Ernie |
Bert, you're shouting again, Bert. |
Bert |
[Sighs] |
Clip 11 S01 E05: "A Hero Sits Next Door" |
Chris and Peter are watching Wheel of Fortune. The letters on the board spell out GO ?UCK YOURSELF. |
Contestant |
Pat, I'd like to solve the puzzle. Go tuck yourself in. |
Pat Sajak |
You got it! |
Chris |
Well, you were close, Dad. |
Peter |
Yeah, and I still can't believe we missed the phrase, My hairy aunt. |
[Editor's Note: Really? I need to explain this gag? What if the A weren't there? What if you were presented with the phrase MY HAIRY ?UNT? Would you think, perhaps, that it might be something a little more crude? Hey... no problem. You're welcome.] |
Clip 12 S01 E05: "A Hero Sits Next Door" |
It's the day of the Happy-Go-Lucky Toy Company's baseball game and Peter has found a ringer to play for the home team in the form of Joe. He doesn't know about Joe being disabled though. |
Lois |
Hey, Peter! |
Jonathan Weed |
It's nice that you family is here, Peter. If your ringer doesn't arrive soon, you can spend every day with them. At home. |
Peter |
Oh, uh... he'll be here, Mister Weed. Oh, you should see this guy in action. He can hit, he can throw - |
Joe |
Jonathan Weed |
What's he doing in a wheelchair? |
Peter |
Holy crip, he's a crapple! |
Clip 13 S01 E05: "A Hero Sits Next Door" |
Meg needs the kind of advice only her mother or her best friend could give her. And as Meg doesn't have any friends, Lois will have to do. |
Lois |
Meg, you're a sweet, lovely girl. He'll come around. |
Meg |
Such a Mom answer! |
Lois |
Well, have you tried showing off the goods? How's that for a Mom answer? |
Meg |
Creepy! |
Clip 14 S01 E05: "A Hero Sits Next Door" |
Peter, in an effort to upstage Joe Swanson, has become involved in a bank heist which has gone rather badly wrong. And now it's down to Joe to save him. |
Lois |
Bonnie, it's Peter... |
Bonnie |
Don't worry. Joe's an excellent negotiator. I was a virgin when we met. Took him three hours! |
Clip 15 S01 E06: "The Son Also Draws" |
Stewie has witnessed Peter and Lois having a "special" cuddle. The kind of "cuddle" that mummies and daddies have together. He's traumatised. |
Brian |
Oh, good Lord. You saw them together, didn't you? |
Stewie |
[Whimpers] |
Brian |
You know the tub where you take your little baths? They've done it there, too. |
Stewie |
[Screams in horror] |
Clip 16 S01 E06: "The Son Also Draws" |
Peter. He's meant to be the adult. You know? The provider, the supporter, the counsellor to his children. But you'd be better off asking a kindergartener anything serious. |
Chris |
Uh, Dad? What would you say if I told you I didn't want to be in the scouts? |
Peter |
I'd say, come again? and then I'd laugh 'cos I'd said come. |
Clip 17 S01 E06: "The Son Also Draws" |
Having tried and failed with his father, Chris turns to his sister for advice. Thing is, it's a little different for girls than it is for boys. As Chris is about to find out. |
Meg |
[Sighs] |
Okay. Look. Dad is really easy. All you have to do is sit on his lap, give him a big kiss on the cheek, look him right in the eye and he's butter. |
[Cut to living room - PETER sat in his armchair when CHRIS suddenly jumps into his lap as per MEG'S advice] |
Peter |
What the hell? |
Chris |
Dad... Scouts are no fun and I don't... oh... wait a minute. |
[He gives PETER a "big kiss on the cheek"] |
Peter |
Chris? I am going to stand up, walk out of this room and we will never speak of this again. |
Clip 18 S01 E06: "The Son Also Draws" |
In the show's first ever cut-away, a play on words reveals how an upper-class Rhode Island family might endure the challenge of dinner. |
Peter |
Look, Chris. It's a whole family of wasps. |
Man |
My, Margaret. What a sub-par ham. |
Margaret |
Perhaps I can't bake a ham but what I can cook up is a little grace and civility at the table. |
Man |
Patti? Did you know that your mother is a whore? |
Clip 19 S01 E06: "The Son Also Draws" |
There's a time and a place to discuss the sexual abilities of your better half. And suitable people to discuss those with. Your teenage son is not one of them. |
Peter |
Sheesh, I didn't know anyone in this family had any talent. Well, except for that one thing your mother does. |
Chris |
You mean play the piano? |
Peter |
No, no.. she... yeah. |
Clip 20 S01 E07: "Brian: Portrait of a Dog" |
Glenn Quagmire is a deviant. No. Truly... he's a sexual deviant. And he has the hots for Lois. So when Lois calls by unannounced for some advice, he gets entirely the wrong idea. |
Glenn |
Don't worry, Lois... I'd do everything to you. |
Lois |
What? |
Glenn |
I'd do anything for you. |