Family Guy | Season 4
© 1999 20th Century Fox Television
Family Guy is one of the longest running (and arguably the funniest) cartoon shows ever to come out of the USA. It follows the dysfunctional Griffin family; Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and their talking dog Brian as they survive life in a small Rhode Island town. Expect filth, cursing, sick jokes and twisted animation. All the things we really love, huh?!
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Clip 1 S04 E01: "North By North Quahog" |
Peter has impersonated Mel Gibson to give himself and Lois a second honeymoon in the actor's Park Barrington Hotel suite. And the facilities are mind-blowing. |
Lois |
Peter, the toilet paper is made of money. |
Peter |
Yeah, and look at this. They've even got some of that high-class British porn. |
[Cut to a couple in bed, chins notably absent, making love whilst entirely obscured by the duvet] |
Man |
Almost, almost, almost, there we are! |
Woman |
Well done! |
Clip 2 S04 E02: "Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High" |
Chris has developed a crush on his English teacher, Mrs. Lockhart. Keen to nip this in the bud, Peter and Lois go to see her to explain. |
Mrs. Lockhart |
It's good to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Griffin. |
Lois |
Well, we wanted to talk to you about our son. You see, Chris really - |
Peter |
Lo, Lo, Lo, Lois, Lois... Honey, let's, uh... make sure we do this delicately, all right? Mrs. Lockhart, our son... would like... to plough you. |
Clip 3 S04 E04: "Don't Make Me Over" |
Peter has just discovered that Horace has put The Drunken Clam up for sale. |
Peter |
Oh, please tell me this is some kind of practical joke. Like, like the kind I used to play when I was an intern at the hospital. |
[Cut to hospital waiting room where a man is standing, nervously. Peter enters wearing full surgical scrubs] |
I'm afraid I have some very bad news. Your wife's gonna be a vegetable. You'll have to bathe her, feed her and care for her the rest of her life. |
Man |
Oh, my God! |
Peter |
No, no, no. I... I'm just kidding. She's dead. |
Clip 4 S04 E05: "The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire" |
Yep, Peter is convinced that he's great at delivering bad news. He was once even part of a Barbershop Quartet doing it for a living. Yikes. Is this too much? It is, isn't it? |
Peter |
I gotta knack for deliverin' bad news. |
Doctor |
I don't know how to tell you this, Mister Devani. So I'll let these guys do it. |
[Enter PETER and three other men to form a Barbershop Quartet] |
♪ |
Peter |
You have AIDS. |
Trio |
Yes, you have AIDS. |
Peter |
I hate to tell you, boy that you have AIDS. |
Trio |
You got the AIDS. |
Peter |
You may have caught it when you stuck that filthy needle in here. |
Trio |
Or maybe all that unprotected sex won't you hear? |
Peter |
It isn't clear but what we're certain of is you have AIDS. |
Trio |
Yes, you have AIDS. |
Peter |
Not HIV but... |
Ensemble |
...full blown AIDS.Be sure that you see that this is not HIV. But full blown AIDS. |
Trio |
Not HIV but really... |
Ensemble |
...full blown AIDS. |
Solo Baritone |
I'm sorry I wish it was something less serious. |
Ensemble |
But it's AIDS. You've got the AIDS. |
♪ |
Clip 5 S04 E06: "Petarded" |
Brian is rarely dignified in victory, especially when it comes to proving Peter wrong. So when Peter is diagnosed as being "retarded", it brings out the worst in Brian. |
Brian |
You know, Peter I hate to say I told you so about not being a genius but, uh... YEAH! IN YOUR FU*KING FACE, FU*KWAD! |
Clip 6 S04 E06: "Petarded" |
Peter and Lois are driving home when their car meets with local news anchor Tom Tucker. And his lady friend. |
Lois |
[PETER slams on the brakes and the car collides with something in the road] |
Peter |
Holy crap! |
Lois |
Oh my God. Mister Tucker. Are you all right? |
Tom Tucker |
Do I look like I'm all right? My back is broken and my leg is twisted. |
Lois |
Oh my God. Your hooker's dead. |
Tom Tucker |
Well, she was already dead but that doesn't excuse the... wait a minute. You're Peter Griffin. The retarded fellow. |
Peter |
Yeah. |
Tom Tucker |
Oh, well then don't worry about it. |
Peter |
Wait a minute, y... you mean you're not even gonna call the cops? Oh my God! I can get away with anything! |
Clip 7 S04 E06: "Petarded" |
Nobody is safe from ridicule in Family Guy. Not even staple CBS news anchor Dan Rather who had an unfortunate whistle when he spoke. |
Dan Rather |
Good evening, I'm Dan Rather and tonight on CBS news, seven sorry soldiers sodomise several of Saddam's southern settlement squatters. |
Clip 8 S04 E07: "Brian the Bachelor" |
It's been a slow news day in Quahog. One minor lead story and really nothing else. Which is why Tom Tucker is struggling to pad out his preview slot. |
Tom Tucker |
The Bachelorette comes to Quahog in search of male contestants. Story at eleven. Well, actually, that was pretty much it. Oh, but there'll be other stuff, too. Look, I'm turning down the thermostat. See Diane's erect nipples at eleven. |
Clip 9 S04 E07: "Brian the Bachelor" |
You remember the paraplegic guy who talked through a wheelchair-mounted computer? Well, he's back. And this time he's after some poontang. |
Producer |
So, why would you be a good candidate on The Bachelorette? |
Auditionee |
I would be perfect for your show because I know how to talk dirty to the ladies. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. That feels so good. Spit in my mouth. |
Clip 10 S04 E10: "Model Misbehavior" |
Brian has worms. He can't afford the medicine he needs and can't ask Peter or Lois for help. Stewie, on the other hand, has a fair point. |
Brian |
Please don't tell them. |
Stewie |
You know, perhaps you should worry a little less about your pride and a little more about the creepy crawlies shawshanking their way out of your balloon knot. |
Clip 11 S04 E10: "Model Misbehavior" |
It's the eve of the big boat race and Peter would do almost anything to be on Carter's crew. |
Peter |
So, uh... Mister Pewterschmidt, the big, uh... race is tomorrow, huh? Bet you're gonna need some big strapping men to help you with your boat. |
Carter |
Are you calling me gay? |
Peter |
No, no... I just... I just thought you might want some extra seamen on your, uh... on, on, on yer poop deck. |
[CARTER punches PETER to the ground] |
Clip 12 S04 E10: "Model Misbehavior" |
Lois has finally realised that she has something to offer the world beside cooking and cleaning. She's going to become a model. And Peter couldn't be happier. |
Lois |
Look, it's a picture of us at the regatta. |
Chris |
Wow, Mom! You look pretty. |
Lois |
Thank you, Chris. I thought so, too. And you know what? I'm gonna take that chance my father never let me take when I was younger. I'm gonna become a model. |
Peter |
Hey, that's fantastic, Lois. And I'll pleasure myself to your photos. |
Chris |
Me, too! |
Meg |
Me, too! |
Peter |
Urgh! Oh... God, Meg! That's sick! That's your mother! |
Meg |
I'm just tryin' to fit in. |
Peter |
Get out! Get out of this house! |
Clip 13 S04 E10: "Model Misbehavior" |
Peter is king of the back-handed compliment. In fact, I don't think this was a compliment at all. Back-handed or otherwise. It's an insult isn't it? Yeah. |
Peter |
Well, Lois. Look at you. You're like Britney Spears. Except you're not a fat guy. |
Clip 14 S04 E12: "The Perfect Castaway" |
Ollie Williams is a recurring character who presents the BlaccuWeather Report on Channel 5 News. He's always out; risking his life in hurricanes, tornadoes and thunder storms. |
Tom Tucker |
In local news, we have more on the approach of Hurricane RuPaul which is working his or her way up the coast. Let's go live to Ollie Williams with the BlaccuWeather report. Ollie? |
Ollie |
Tom Tucker |
Sounds rough, Ollie. Do you have an umbrella? |
Ollie |
Tom Tucker |
Where is it? |
Ollie |
Tom Tucker |
Is there anything we can do for you? |
Ollie |
Tom Tucker |
What kind? |
Ollie |
Tom Tucker |
All right, we'll get on that. Coming up next, a pig that refuses to eat Jews? After this. |
Clip 15 S04 E12: "The Perfect Castaway" |
Peter, Quagmire, Cleveland and Joe are shipwrecked on a desert island after their fishing boat was destroyed by Hurricane RuPaul. |
Peter |
[Sighs] |
All right, fellas. We've been out here for months and we all know that men have certain needs. And being that there's no women around, we're gonna have to have an orgy. |
[Cut to beach. PETER, QUAGMIRE, CLEVELAND and JOE are stacked up, naked] |
Peter |
Uh... anybody horny? |
Quagmire |
Nah. |
Cleveland |
No. |
Joe |
No. |
Peter |
Yeah, me neither. Er, and whoever's toe that is, uh, I appreciate your enthusiasm but, uh, I think you can stop. |
Joe |
Boy, I'm sure glad nobody's here to see this. |
[With the blast of its horn, a cruise ships sails past] |
Captain |
And if you look off the left side of the ship, you'll see a bunch of homosexuals. |
[He then repeats the same message in Spanish but substitutes the final word with the phrase, "fanny bandits"] |
Clip 16 S04 E13: "Jungle Love" |
Chris has joined the peace corps. and has ended up on a remote jungle island where he's married Loka, the eleven-year-old daughter of the tribe's Chief. It gets more sinister. Trust me. |
Loka |
This is a gift from all of us. Go ahead, try it on. |
[She hands him a small loin cloth] |
Chris |
Oh, okay. |
[CHRIS goes behind a tree to put it on and then reappears, naked save for the cloth] |
Tribesman |
Oh, my... Chris. We can see your genitals. |
Chris |
[CHRIS screams with embarrassment and covers himself up with his hand] |
Tribesman |
Just kidding! Everyone's genitals are hanging out. |
Chris |
Really?! [Laughs] Wow! This is just like bible camp. Only I'm not crying and trying to pretend I'm somewhere else. |
Clip 17 S04 E14: "PTV" |
Everyone remembers the closing scene of the Waltons. Well, here's Seth MacFarlane's take on it. And, of course, one of the kids is up to no good. |
Mary-Ellen |
Goodnight, Jim-Bob. |
Jim-Bob |
Goodnight, Mary-Ellen. Goodnight, Pa. |
Pa |
Goodnight, Jim-Bob. Goodnight, Elizabeth. |
Elizabeth |
Goodnight, Pa. Goodnight, Ma. |
Ma |
Goodnight, Elizabeth. Goodnight, John-Boy. |
[There is no reply] |
Goodnight, John-Boy. |
[Footsteps are heard as MA goes to JOHN-BOY'S room to investigate. She opens the door and switches on the light] |
John-Boy? |
John-Boy |
Damnit! Can't a guy masturbate in this house? |
Clip 18 S04 E14: "PTV" |
PTV is on the air because Peter is sick of the FCC censoring everything. Which means, of course, that he needs to devise and produce some bespoke programming. |
Quagmire |
Welcome to Midnight Q. Tonight we're gonna enjoy the smooth jazz of Charles Mingus, Norman Mailer is here to read an excerpt from his latest book and we also have a girl from Omaha who's hiding a banana and we'll find out where. Giggity-giggity, giggity-goo. Stick around! |
Clip 19 S04 E14: "PTV" |
It's time for another big musical number. The subject of this one? The Federal Communications Commission. You know, the ones who won't let you say bum, boobies or poo on the TV. |
♪ |
Peter |
They will clean up all your talkin' in a manner such as this. |
Brian |
They will make you take a tinkle when you wanna take a p*ss. |
Stewie |
And they'll make you call fellatio a trouser-friendly kiss. |
Ensemble |
Here's the plain situation, there's no negotiation, |
Peter |
with the fellas at the freakin' FCC. |
Brian |
They're as stuffy as the stuffiest of Special Interest Groups. |
Peter |
Make a joke about your bowels and they order in the troops. |
Stewie |
Any baby with a brain could tell them everybody poops. |
Ensemble |
Take a tip, take a lesson, you'll never win by messin', |
Peter |
with the fellas at the freakin' FCC. |
And if you find yourself with some young sexy thing. |
You're gonna have to do her with your ding-a-ling. 'Cos you can't say penis. |
So they sent this little warning, they're prepared to do their worst. |
Brian |
And they stuck it in your mailbox hoping you could be coerced. |
Stewie |
I can think of quite another place they should have stuck it first. |
Ensemble |
They may just be moronic, or possibly psychotic, they're the fellas at the freakin' FCC! |
♪ |
Clip 20 S04 E14: "PTV" |
When you mess with the FCC, there can be far-reaching consequences. They may, for example, decide to invade your house and censor everything that you say and do. Probably not though. |
Lois |
Peter, you brought this on yourself by putting on those filthy shows. |
Peter |
Oh, Lois, you are so full of - |
[An FCC official appears and sounds an airhorn to cover the curse word] |
What?! Now I can't say [BEEP] in my own [BEEP] house? [BEEP] great, Lois. Just [BEEP] great. You know, you're lucky you're good at [BEEP] my [BEEP] or I'd never put up with you. You know what I'm talking about. When you [BEEP] lubed up [BEEP] toothpaste in my [BEEP] cherry [BEEP] Episcopalian [BEEP] extension cord [BEEP] wetness [BEEP] with a parking ticket. That is the best! |
Clip 21 S04 E15: "Brian Goes Back to College" |
Just when you thought Family Guy couldn't stoop any lower... it does. Often. Here we have Steve and Helen, two wheelchair-bound paraplegics who happen to be married. Arguing. And then having sex. |
Helen |
You were supposed to get potato chips, you jackass. |
Steve |
Damnit, Helen. Get the hell off my back or so help me. So help me. |
Man |
Don't worry. I hear they have great make-up sex. |
Steve |
Oh, oh, oh, oh. |
Helen |
That feels so good. |
Steve |
Oh, yeah. |
Helen |
Ohhhhh! |
Steve |
Like that. |
Helen |
Oh, baby. |
Steve |
I've thought about this all day. Oh! |
Helen |
Uh. |
Steve |
Oh. |
Helen |
Oh. |
Steve |
Oh. |
Helen |
Uh. |
Steve |
Uh. |
Helen |
Not so fast. You are hurting me. |
Clip 22 S04 E17: "The Fat Guy Strangler" |
Lois calls her father at the Country Club to ask about her secret sibling. How is he going to wriggle out of this one? Easy. There's a man who can at every Country Club. This one is called Dick. |
Lois |
I had a question I wanted to ask. Um... do I have a brother? |
Carter |
Uh, uh, uh... NO! No. Don't... don't be silly. |
Lois |
'Cos I found this picture - |
Carter |
Uhhhhh, uhhhhhh, oh, Dick! Thank God you're here. Talk to her. |
[CARTER hands the phone to D*CK] |
Dick |
Message CM27. The subscriber you are trying to reach is unavailable or outside the calling area. |
[He hangs up] |
Carter |
What do you feel like doing later? |
Dick |
Message CM42. Let's go pay some hookers to knock our junk around. |
Clip 23 S04 E17: "The Fat Guy Strangler" |
I'll leave it to your imagination to decide exactly what Barbara was doing to Jackie Gleason. It can't possibly be as dirty as what I was imagining when I was transcribing this clip. |
Chris |
Why do you live in a crazy house, Uncle Patrick? |
Patrick |
Well, when I was just a little boy I had a very traumatic experience. |
[Flashback cutaway to PATRICK as a child] |
Young Patrick |
Mommy? Can I have a drink of water? |
[He approaches and opens the door to his parents' bedroom. Upon doing so we see his mother doing something unspeakable to JACKIE GLEESON] |
[Gasps] |
Jackie Gleason?! |
Jackie Gleason |
Beat it, kid. Your mother's busy. Homina, homina, homina, homina, HOMINA, HOMINA... POW! Right in the kisser. |
Clip 24 S04 E18: "The Father, the Son and the Holy Fonz" |
If they made Jaws V and, for some reason, cast a really camp shark in the title role (can sharks even be camp?) then this is what it might look like. Enjoy. |
V/O |
And now, back to Jaws V... Fire Island. |
Mark |
You think we should be this far out? |
Swimmer |
Stop worrying, Mark. We'll be fine. |
[A decidedly camp shark appears from the bottom of the frame, looking up at the two swimmers] |
Shark |
Hey! I'm gonna eat y'all. I'm gonna eat that hairy leg. I'm gonna eat that one, too. Oh, I can see right up them shorts. I got a whole bunch of rows of teeth to chew you with. |
[He imitates the music from Jaws] |
Oh, now wait a minute. I did have a chubby kid on a raft earlier today. It's okay, though. I've been swimming a lot lately. Mmmmmm. Yummy. Mmmmmm. |
Clip 25 S04 E18: "The Father, the Son and the Holy Fonz" |
You've got to love the dynamic between Tom Tucker and his co-anchor Diane Simmons. I mean, they really loathe each other and don't even try to hide it. Marvellous! |
Diane Simmons |
Also in the news, some trouble at St. Phillip's Church. |
Tom Tucker |
That's right, Diane. A shipment of tainted Holy Water could put some local babies in jeopardy. |
Diane Simmons |
Sounds dangerous, Tom. Be careful next time you're at confession telling the priest about cheating on your wife with that Filipino drag queen. |
Tom Tucker |
Well, at least you're in no danger, Diane since you only visit church to leave your self-delivered, unwashed, half-dead newborns on the back step. Coming up, how to turn your unwanted change into folding money. |
Clip 26 S04 E18: "The Father, the Son and the Holy Fonz" |
Stewie is undergoing a diaper change inside a plastic box in which he has to live. Long story. To cut it short, Brian makes a silly comment and Stewie fires something back. Comedy gold. |
Brian |
I see London, I see France, I see Stewie's unsightly chapped ass! |
Stewie |
Hey... Gaybo. I'm up here. Up here! |
Clip 27 S04 E18: "The Father, the Son and the Holy Fonz" |
Peter has founded the Church of Fonz. This doesn't please his devoutly Catholic father, Francis at all. And Francis thought that Peter couldn't embarrass him more than he did at Mary's wedding... |
Francis |
Peter! Your religion is an abomination. I never thought you could ever embarrass me more, in a church than you did at your cousin, Mary's wedding. |
Priest |
And if anyone knows of any reason why these two should not be married, let him speak now. |
Peter |
Really? Nobody's gonna speak up? I'm the one who's gonna have to say it. |
[Sighs] |
All right. GENITAL WARTS! |
Clip 28 S04 E19: "Brian Sings and Swings" |
It's Frank Sinatra Junior, Brian and Stewie performing as the New Ratpack. It's swing with a little blue twist. If you catch my drift. |
♪ |
Frank |
How I love a girl who's flawless. |
Stewie |
Even better when she's bra-less. |
Ensemble |
But the thing that tops it all is when we swing. |
Frank |
And how I love a glass of Jack. |
Stewie |
Or anything with Robert Stack. |
Ensemble |
But the girls we romance can't stay out of our pants when we swing. |
Brian |
Yesterday had got me feelin' kind of blue. |
Stewie |
So you left and we replaced you with a Jew. |
Jew |
Ladies - |
Stewie |
You're fired. |
Jew |
Oy! |
Frank |
We love it when the ladies squeeze us. |
Brian |
That's an easy way to please us. |
Ensemble |
But we feel like freakin' Jesus when we swing. |
Brian |
I love the work of Allen Funt. |
Stewie |
Or a nicely shaven leg. |
Ensemble |
But nothing compares to the feeling that we get. No nothing compares to the feeling we get when we swing. |
Clip 29 S04 E20: "Patriot Games" |
I won't bore you with HOW this came to happen but Tom Brody is showering at the Griffin residence. Lois and Meg have drilled a spy-hole into the bathroom and are admiring the view. |
Meg |
Mom, let me look! |
Lois |
Meg, stop shovin'! You wouldn't even know what to do with it. |
Meg |
He's closer to my age, you cow! |
Stewie |
What the hell is this? |
Lois |
Oh... hi, Stewie. We... we were just leavin'. |
Stewie |
I say, what the devil is all the fuss about? I don't get it. What's in there? |
[He puts his eye to the spyhole] |
Clip 30 S04 E22: "Sibling Rivalry" |
And the award for the sickest joke of the show so far goes to this one. Jesus. Sorry. Didn't mean to blaspheme but it's the only word that fits this particular scenario. |
Brian |
So, what happened with that kid on the playground? |
Stewie |
He won this round, Brian but I'm going back tomorrow. And when I've carried out my plan he won't know what hit him. Like that baseball team that Peter coached. |
[Flashback cutaway to PETER standing with a group of Little League players. Next to him is a man who resembles a hobo.] |
Peter |
Well, kids... just when I thought we'd never find an assistant coach, I ran into this drifter hanging out near the elementary school playground. He's got a clown costume in his trunk so we know he's good with kids. And pictures of boys in their underwear so, uh... he's probably had some medical training. Well, I'm gonna take off while he fits you for cups in that window-less supply shed. See ya. |
Clip 31 S04 E23: "Deep Throats" |
Has there ever been a more inappropriate clandestine name for a spy than "Deep Throat"? No. Almost certainly not. |
Brian |
Thank you for coming, Deep Throat. |
Deep Throat |
You'll understand if I don't come out from the shadows. My identity will be safest if you never see my face. |
Brian |
Uh... okay. |
Deep Throat |
Mayor West hasn't slept at home for three nights. |
Brian |
Kermit the Frog? |
Deep Throat |
[Gasps] |
Somebody talked! No-one is safe. I'm gettin' outta here. Yaaaaay! |
Clip 32 S04 E23: "Deep Throats" |
"Play me off, Johnny!" Yes, you too can now enjoy this piece of music as a ringtone. You're welcome! |
Clip 33 S04 E24: "Peterotica" |
Peter has written an erotic novel. He's approaching Carter Pewterschmidt for funding to publish it and make his fortune. |
Carter |
[Answering the door] |
What do you want, Homo? |
Peter |
Listen, uh... Mister Pewterschmidt? You're a businessman. I'm a businessman. And I've got a proposal that I guarantee you can't refuse. See, I wrote this erotica book and I was hoping you could loan me seven billion dollars to publish it. |
Carter |
How about I loan you five dollars? It's at the bottom of this jar of barbed wire and salt. |
Peter |
[Putting his hand into the jar and immediately cutting his hand, screams] |
Ow! Ow! Why do you keep these things together?! |
Clip 34 S04 E25: "You May Now Kiss The... Uh... Guy Who Receives" |
Popeye. He's always been a little... odd, hasn't he? Well what if modern medical science could explain some of his idiosyncrasies? |
Doctor |
Sir, I think you should know... these growths on your forearms... they're giant tumours. |
Popeye |
[Incomprehensible] Oh dear! |
Doctor |
Yah, I'm surprised you haven't realised this is not how a human being is supposed to look. |
Popeye |
[Incomprehensible] |
Doctor |
And the speech thing and what you're doing with your eye? Uh, you had a stroke about seven years ago. |
Popeye |
[Incomprehensible] |
Doctor |
That you've managed to be walking around all this time is nothing short of a miracle. |
Popeye |
[Incomprehensible] |
Doctor |
I'd say about two months. |
Clip 35 S04 E25: "You May Now Kiss The... Uh... Guy Who Receives" |
Alyssa has promised Chris that if he destroys Brian's petition, he can feel her breasts. |
Chris |
I think I made Brian crazy. Maybe I shouldn't have burned that petition. |
Alyssa |
Oh no, Chris. You did the right thing. It's only a matter of time before Mayor West signs that bill and you'll get to touch these. |
[She indicates her breasts] |
Chris |
Oh, boy. I gotta feeling that before the end of the day I'm gonna be burying my dog. |
Alyssa |
Whoa, whoa! I said you could touch my boobs. Let's start with that! |