Family Guy | Season 9
© 1999 20th Century Fox Television
Family Guy is one of the longest running (and arguably the funniest) cartoon shows ever to come out of the USA. It follows the dysfunctional Griffin family; Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and their talking dog Brian as they survive life in a small Rhode Island town. Expect filth, cursing, sick jokes and twisted animation. All the things we really love, huh?!
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Clip 1 S09 E01: "And Then There Were Fewer (Part 1)" |
The whole of Quahog has been invited to dinner at a mansion house. It's all gone wrong and now the guests need help. |
Derek |
Look! He's got a landline we can use. |
Lois |
Oh, no... y'know, I wouldn't feel right about that. We're guests and it's long-distance. |
[BRIAN picks up the receiver and hammers the cradle with his finger] |
Brian |
Doesn't matter. The line's dead. |
[There's widespread panic as the enormity of the situation sinks in] |
Mr. Herbert |
Whoa, whoa, whoa! All right, look. Everybody but Chris just keep your pants on and let's figure a way out of this! |
Clip 2 S09 E01: "And Then There Were Fewer (Part 1)" |
Everyone is under suspicion. The guests are seeing shadows around every corner. Diane Simmons has her own theory about the killer. |
Diane |
Yeah, but what about the old guy? I heard him complaining about Woods in the dining room. |
Mr. Herbert |
That's true. He replaced my Cialis with Methamphetamines. |
[Cut to street, two small boys on bicycles] |
Boy 1 |
Boy 2 |
I can't go any faster! |
[Camera pans to show MR. HERBERT moving with incredible speed on his Zimmer frame chasing the two children] |
Mr. Herbert |
Where you goin' kids? Hey, I just wanna talk to ya. Why don't you come over to my place for a glass of wine and a couple of fruit pies then we can go in the back room and play Crazy Snakes. Heeeeeeeeeeeee! |
Clip 3 S09 E01: "And Then There Were Fewer (Part 1)" |
Mr. Herbert has volunteered to be partnered up with Chris to explore the mansion. No great surprise there, then. Question is, what's Mr. Herbert hiding in his humble house on Spooner Street? |
Mr. Herbert |
Chris, I'm worried with this killer on the loose. If I should die... I just want you to know that... they might find some things. Strange things. Things that don't make sense to ya. |
Chris |
Mmmm, okay. |
Mr. Herbert |
And there's gonna be a lot of talk. Nasty talk. And I just want you to know from me it's all gonna be out of context. |
Chris |
I don't know what that means. |
Mr. Herbert |
Clip 4 S09 E03: "Welcome Back, Carter" |
It's bad enough to imagine your father-in-law having an affair with a much, much younger woman. But even worse to catch them in the act. It's... eeeww! |
[PETER opens a door on CARTER PEWTERSCHMIDT'S yacht to find him in bed with a much younger woman] |
Carter |
Ahh, that was excellent. When I clenched it, you took your fingers away. You were right to do that. |
Peter |
Oh my God! Mister Pewterschmidt, you're havin' an affair? Eeeww! |
Carter |
No, no... this is my sister. |
Peter |
Eeeww! |
Carter |
No, no, no... I'm impotent. |
Peter |
Eeeww! |
Carter |
I mean... she looked at me while I did it to myself. |
Peter |
Eeeww! |
Carter |
I mean... she's a man. |
Peter |
Eeeww! |
Clip 5 S09 E03: "Welcome Back, Carter" |
Carter has to make reparations for his infidelity and Peter has an idea. He must insult the French using a loudhailer. Shouldn't be too difficult, huh? |
Carter |
[Clears his throat] |
[The sound that follows defies description but let's just say it's offensive to both gay men AND to the French] |
Clip 6 S09 E06: "Brian Writes a Bestseller" |
Brian has become a successful author but his book has been pipped to the top spot by yet another Michael Jackson biography. Which prompts this outburst. Which is questionable on so many levels. |
Stewie |
Oh, look at this! Your book is number three on Amazon. |
Brian |
Number three? Well, who's number one? |
Stewie |
Oh, it's that new biography on Michael Jackson. |
Brian |
Oh, come on. Another one?! Unless it was written by a ten-year-old's bottom, who cares?! |
Clip 7 S09 E07: "Road to the North Pole (Part 2)" |
In a rare live-action insert, Seth MacFarlane's father (Ronald Milton MacFarlane) makes a cameo as the narrator of this Yuletide classic. |
Ronald |
And so Brian and Stewie set off on the road to the North Pole. Hey, you wanna hear a real live-action fart instead of one of those fake cartoony ones? |
[RONALD lifts himself up on to one buttock and lets rip] |
Ronald |
We're gonna need another pair of pants. And another chair. |
Clip 8 S09 E07: "Road to the North Pole (Part 2)" |
If Seth MacFarlane had written the adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh, it would have been a very different story. In so, so many ways. |
Winnie-the-Pooh |
C'mon, Eeyore. Let's go play. |
Eeyore |
I don't feel like it. |
Winnie-the-Pooh |
Why are you always in such a bad mood? |
Eeyore |
I have a nail in my anus. |
Winnie-the-Pooh |
Oh. |
Clip 9 S09 E08: "New Kidney in Town" |
Meg's amazing definition of hope has been plagiarised by Chris. She's understandably quite upset that he gets to meet Barack Obama whilst she, as usual, gets no glory whatsoever. |
Stewie |
Meg, for God's sake, relax. You're not the first person to be outshined by a sibling. What about the third Brontë sister? |
[We cut to an early 1800s parlour scene] |
Charlotte |
Oh,Emily... Wuthering Heights was truly splendid. |
Emily |
Oh no, Charlotte. Jane Eyre was so very brilliant. |
Sister |
I made blood out me lady parts! |
Charlotte |
Good for you! So, we've all done something! |
Sister |
It's 'appenin' now! |
[Cut back to the Griffin living room] |
Brian |
Ah! It's a period joke! |
Peter |
It's a period period joke. |
Brian |
Ha ha! |
Peter |
Okay, moving on... |
Clip 10 S09 E08: "New Kidney in Town" |
Long story mercifully short, Brian is facing death in order to save Peter. He's always wanted to ask Lois this and on the eve of his demise, the time finally seems right. |
Brian |
And Lois. I only ask this because of the dire situation I'm in... but... can I... can I hump your leg for fifteen uninterrupted seconds? |
Lois |
I suppose so, Brian. |
[The camera remains tight on LOIS but the audio and slight movement of her head suggests what might be happening beneath]> |
I... I said you could do it for fifteen seconds. |
Brian |
Didn't need it! |
Clip 11 S09 E09: "And I'm Joyce Kinney" |
There are MILFs, right? And GILFs. But in Stewie's little world, there are also BILFs. Yeah. I know. If Stewie weren't a cartoon baby, we'd be justifiably outraged at the very suggestion. Eeeww! |
Stewie |
Oh wait, wait, BILF! Total BILF! |
[As STEWIE'S stroller passes hers, he pretends to be mid-conversation] |
Yeah, so goin' pretty good, I got six pacifiers now. |
[The target of STEWIE'S affections doesn't give him so much as a side-ward glance] |
That was a big nothin'! |
Clip 12 S09 E10: "Friends of Peter G." |
How about the seagull sound from Family Guy as a ringtone or message tone? You know you want it. WE know you want it. And we always give our visitors what they want. |
Clip 13 S09 E14: "The Hand That Rocks the Wheelchair" |
In a bizarre double date, Brian and Cheryl are sharing a table with Quagmire and Gillian. They should really just swap partners but no. They decide, instead, to engage in this ridiculous exchange. |
Brian |
So, uh... how did you guys get together? |
Gillian |
Um, he showed up at my door and said he was a Federal Boob Inspector. And I was going to tell him to go away but he had a warrant. |
Quagmire |
It was a Snickers wrapper, Brian. I held up a Snickers wrapper. |
Brian |
Well, I guess you guys have gotten pretty close, huh? Did Quagmire ever tell you he was obese as a child? |
Quagmire |
Did Brian ever tell you he once had a tick on the back of his neck that he couldn't reach with his mouth and it swelled up to the size of a ping-pong ball? |
Brian |
Well, it was still smaller than that thing you had on your lip for three years. |
Quagmire |
Oh! Three years? You mean like the three years you have left on this planet? |
Brian |
Oh, that's nice. Hey, if you guys are so close... maybe Gillian should know that you teach a class in picking up women. |
Quagmire |
And Cheryl should know that you took that class. |
Brian |
Does Gillian know you're half-Polish, Mister Quagglechek? |
Quagmire |
[The altercation degenerates into a full-on bar brawl in the middle of a romantic restaurant] |
Clip 14 S09 E15: "Tiegs for Two" |
Two questions. What's a "bro-ster"? And is a "paginis" really what I think it is? Actually, third question. No. No. I'd really rather not know. Just enjoy this moment of insanity. |
Brian |
Boy, Carol's lucky to have a sister like Lois. |
Peter |
You're tellin' me. I always wanted a brother or sister. But, instead, I got a bro-ster. |
[Childhood flashback - PETER is laying on the floor playing with toys when in walks his "bro-ster"] |
Bro-ster |
Hey, Peter. You wanna see my paginis? |
Peter |
Uh... I... I don't know. |
Clip 15 S09 E15: "Tiegs for Two" |
Carol is marrying Mayor Adam West. Carter Pewterschmidt is giving away his second daughter. And he's got a really weird way of doing it. |
[The wedding march plays as CARTER walks CAROL down the aisle. He gives his daughter's hand to ADAM WEST] |
Carter |
Good luck. Hope you like weird boobs! |
Clip 16 S09 E17: "Foreign Affairs" |
There's been an outbreak of Goat Flu. Which isn't too different to Covid-19, really. It's time to launch a public health offensive the likes of which Quahog has never before seen. |
Tom Tucker |
Health officials have said that a vaccine is not yet available. And if you're not scared yet, here's some footage of people sneezing at a salad bar. |
[Cut to three people sneezing all over the contents of a salad bar] |
Peter |
Oh dear! |
Tom Tucker |
Here's some footage of people licking subway turnstiles. |
[Cut to a number of people licking subway turnstiles] |
Peter |
Oh! |
Tom Tucker |
Here's some footage of a man with the flu making out with you while you're asleep. |
[Cut to footage of a man snogging PETER whilst he's asleep] |
Peter |
Oh my God! |
Clip 17 S09 E17: "Foreign Affairs" |
During the Goat Flu outbreak, Peter is home-schooling Chris and Meg. I don't have words for this. Truly I don't. I'll let Peter do the talking and I'll apologise in advance. |
Peter |
All right, class. Today's final exam will consist of two parts. Oral and anal. |
Clip 18 S09 E18: "It's a Trap! (Part 2)" |
Cleveland is R2-D2 in this Family Guy version of Return of the Jedi. |
R2-D2 |
Oh! Luke! Did you want me to throw you your light-sabre? |
Luke |
Yeah, about ten minutes ago! |
R2-D2 |
Just so you know, the compartment I keep your light-sabre in is my rectum. |
Clip 19 S09 E18: "It's a Trap! (Part 2)" |
And Peter plays Han Solo. And in this universe, he has a sideline. He runs a recruitment agency. Which, predictably, he's called Han Jobs. [Cue: double kick drum and cymbal crash] |
Hans |
Economy got you down? Stressed out? Worried about your future? Sounds like you need a Han Job. I'm Han Solo and I have jobs for everyone. Come by and apply for your Han Job and I'll get you off and running. Other websites jerk you around and don't finish what they start. But with HanJobs.org, we'll have you shootin' for the stars. But keep it down. My neighbours don't know what's goin' on in here. |