Breeders | Season 2
© 2020 Avalon Television
Breeders offers an insight into the peaks and troughs of parenthood. Paul and Ally love their children (Luke and Ava) unconditionally. They'd kill or be killed for them. But sometimes, just sometimes, they could kill them. If you have kids, you'll love it. If you don't, it might prepare you for parenthood. Either way, it's brilliantly written and performed.
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Clip 1 S02 E01: "No Surrender" |
Jackie and Jim (sounds like a children's book!) aren't technophiles. In fact, they're struggling to get anything but blue on their new TV. And no, that's not a euphemism for porn. |
Jackie |
Oh! Would you be able to plumb our new telly in? Jim had a go but all you get is blue stuff. |
Paul |
You mean porn? |
Jackie |
No, just... blue. |
Clip 2 S02 E01: "No Surrender" |
Ally isn't angry. Paul, however, is angry. Which is pretty much his default mode. He's either asleep or very, very angry. |
Ally |
I'm not angry. |
Paul |
I'm angry. If you're looking for someone who's angry, I'm fu*king angry. |
Clip 3 S02 E02: "No Fear" |
Paul is having a heart-to-heart with his father about Luke. Luke is having some issues and he needs some advice from a trusted source on how to handle the situation. |
Paul |
He's not sleeping, he's not himself, his school work's all gone to sh*t and we can't help feeling it's our fault. |
Jim |
Well, it is. |
Paul |
Oh, thanks. |
Jim |
You know what I mean. Parents are always to blame. You blamed us when you failed your driving test. |
Paul; |
Did I? |
Jim |
Yes. |
Paul |
Why? |
Jim |
Fu*k alone knows! |
Clip 4 S02 E03: "No Connection" |
Family time is important. Togetherness. Eating together, talking together, playing together. Even if it happens to be watching complete garbage on the TV together. |
Paul |
Since when were we the kind of family which retreats into separate rooms to look at separate screens? |
Ally |
We were never gonna be the Waltons. |
Paul |
I don't need us to be the Waltons, hon. I'd make do with the Munsters at this point. Or the fu*king Manson family. At least they had a shared interest. |
Clip 5 S02 E03: "No Connection" |
Aren't parents embarrassing? Take Ava, for example. The last thing she needs at her Taekwondo class is her father mingling with other parents. Just sit at the back and watch with pride, Paul. |
Ava |
Dad... what are you doing? |
Paul |
I'm just saying hello. |
Ava |
Go sit down. We're starting. |
Paul |
Okay. I'm Paul. |
George |
George. How you doing? Your first time at Taekwondo? |
Paul |
Yes. It is, yeah. |
Sabom |
[Shouting to get the attention of the entire class] |
Paul |
Fu*k me! |
Sabom |
Sorry about that, mate. |
Paul |
I mean... |
Sabom |
Right, everyone... we're going to start with a warm-up. |
Clip 6 S02 E03: "No Connection" |
Is it just me or is Paul's insistence on spending "quality time" with his nearest and dearest starting to take on a distinctly desperate tone? I mean... Jesus! |
Paul |
How was your day? |
Ally |
Oh, you know... how about you? |
Paul |
Same. I got us all some fried chicken, though. |
Ally |
Ooh... greasy. I've missed eating out of a bucket. |
Paul |
I thought we could watch Dancing on Ice. Not live, you know... but beggars can't be choosers. |
Ava |
I might eat mine at the table if that's okay. |
Paul |
Uh, no... hang on. Hang on. Eat it on your lap in front of the telly. |
Luke |
Yeah, I was gonna go to my area. |
Ally |
We're all knackered, Paul. |
Paul |
No, come on... come on, no don't... just disperse. You know, we're a family. Why don't we, for once, just watch the same screen at the same time? |
Ally |
I'm not hugely in the mood, to be honest. |
Ava |
I've got homework. |
George |
Yeah, so have I. |
Paul |
Clip 7 S02 E05: "No Baby" |
It's a flashback to the unfortunate moment when Ally announced to Paul that she was pregnant with Ava. It didn't go quite as she intended to be honest. In any way, shape or form. |
Ally |
Paul? Paul. |
Luke |
Geddof! |
Paul |
Come here, mate. Oi! Behave yourself or there's no ice-cream until you're fifteen. Actually, that's a bit harsh. |
Ally |
Paul, I need to tell you something important. |
Paul |
Huh? |
Ally |
I'm pregnant. |
Paul |
Wow! |
Ally |
Why are you pulling that face? |
Paul |
What face? This is... literally what my face does. What face am I supposed to pull? |
Ally |
Well, I don't know. Happy? Mutual? Anything other than that sour fu*king grimace. |
Paul |
No, it's... it's just a shock, that's all. And I thought we'd agreed. |
Ally |
Agree... agreed what? What did we agree? |
Paul |
That we wouldn't have another one just yet. |
Ally |
Oh, I'm sorry it's such sh*t news. I'll go and have an abortion, shall I? What's Vera Drake's number? |
Paul |
I'm sorry. I'm... just taking it in. Luke nearly broke me, right? He's still... breaking me. I do love you, mate but you know it's true. |
Ally |
I've got a baby in me and do you know what it feels like to have you act like that's the worst news ever? No. Honestly. |
Paul |
Ally... |
Ally |
No. |
Paul |
Um... |
Clip 8 S02 E05: "No Baby" |
Back to the present. Ally hasn't told Paul that she's pregnant. And, as it turns out, she doesn't need to. He's guessed. The clues were all there... |
Waiter |
Can I get you guys anything to drink? |
Paul |
Uh... um, yeah, I'll have a pint of Peroni. |
Ally |
Just a fizzy water, thanks. |
Paul |
So... you're pregnant. |
Ally |
What? |
Paul |
I've never been out for a meal with you where you haven't had wine unless you were pregnant or breastfeeding. |
Ally |
Really? |
Paul |
It has... literally never happened. I've also... picked up on some other clues. You being... mental, for a start. |
Ally |
Listen, this is our first date night out in months - |
Paul |
Yeah. |
Ally |
- and we've got, what... three hours before Mum finishes her third bottle and falls asleep with the dead-lock on, so there is a hard deadline. |
Paul |
Yeah, fu*king hell, um... a baby. I mean, a baby... that is... a very big deal. |
Ally |
Yeah, no... I... I know, and I know... I know we need to get into this but before that, if at all possible, I would love to order a really complicated pizza and eat the whole thing very, very quickly whilst we b**ch about people we pretend to like. |
Clip 9 S02 E05: "No Baby" |
Do all men in their forties get tits? Man tits? Because, if so, I'm bucking the trend. And the day I start to get drooping pecks, I might have to do something drastic involving exercise or surgery. |
Ally |
Uh, I've just been feeling... weird as balls, just like... really odd. |
Paul |
The whole thing is... just daft. You're... you're definitely sure you're pregnant? |
Ally |
Yes. I've been collecting pregnancy tests like they're fu*king Pokémon. |
Paul |
And... and this one... is it making you feel the same kind of weird as Luke and Ava did? Or - |
Ally |
I... I can't remember... the whole thing is... is weird. Isn't it? I mean, growing a... human inside you is nuts. And you know that Ava made me go the most mental when she was born. It's like this... tiny vampire sucking my life out through my tits. Uh... |
Paul |
I know. I mean, it was tough. I mean, of course, I don't have... tits so I can't fully appreciate your - |
Ally |
Well... |
Paul |
What does that m... you think I've got tits? |
Ally |
It just... it happens to men in their forties. "Oh! Look at these! I've suddenly got some tits!" |
Paul |
Fu*k you! |
Ally |
[Laughs] |
Clip 10 S02 E05: "No Baby" |
An overly-complicated method of assessing one's feelings towards pregnancy is never a good idea, Paul. Ally is NOT a pendulum. She's your wife. |
Ally |
I'm having doubts. |
Paul |
Baby doubts? |
Ally |
Yeah. I mean, not as in small doubts, as in... doubts about the baby, um... I'm not sure if I want this baby. |
Paul |
Okay. That is a perfectly reasonable thing to think. Well, if you were a pendulum - |
Ally |
Hm-mm. |
Paul |
- right? With sure and not sure either side of you, what angle would you be at right now? |
Ally |
Um, s-sorry, where are you measuring the angle from? |
Paul |
The middle. |
Ally |
And which way is the pendulum going? |
Paul |
Either way, innit? That's... that's the point. You're the pendulum. |
Ally |
Right, so if I s... if I say thirty degrees, is that thirty degrees towards the side that I'm in favour of or towards the other side? |
Paul |
No, it's towards... you're making this unnecessarily complicated. |
Ally |
No, you are. You haven't explained any of the... of the... essential - |
Paul |
Right, fine. Shh shh, it's all right. |
Ally |
- components. |
Paul |
It's fine. It's not a problem. Bad idea. |
[There's a pregnant pause - no pun intended] |
Ally |
Twenty degrees. |
Paul |
Right. Which way? |
Ally |
I dunno. |
Paul |
Fu*k's sake. That's - |
Ally |
[Pointing to her right] |
That way. Um... |
Paul |
What way was that? |
Ally |
I dunno. |
Paul |
Fu*k me ragged! |
Clip 11 S02 E06: "No Choice" |
In vitro fertilisation is not a glamorous procedure. It involves a needle, drugs, centrifugal equipment and large syringes. So you can understand why Paul is slightly more excited than Ally. |
Paul |
Egg harvesting soon. |
Ally |
Oh... fu*king joy! |
Paul |
No, I just... I just meant, it's a minor procedure. |
Ally |
Minor? You try having a needle shoved up your vagina. |
Paul |
I meant minor as in... it's twenty minutes. I mean, I know you're doing the donkey-work here. |
Ally |
Hmm-mm. |
Paul |
Right? And you're right. I... wouldn't want to have a needle shoved up my vagina but... I promise you... it will be worth it. |
Ally |
Will it? |
Paul |
Yes. |
Clip 12 S02 E06: "No Choice" |
A flashback to Paul and Ally viewing their family home for the first time. Wandering freely and deciding what each room might one day become. Sex rooms, mainly, it would appear. |
Paul |
As you see, these stairs are... designed. |
Ally |
Oh, wow... but are they bespoke? |
Paul |
They're the bespokiest stairs known to human-kind. |
Ally |
Oh... bespoke like a mother-fu*ker. |
Paul |
So this is... the... sex room. |
Ally |
Really? Is it? |
Paul |
Let's see the rest of the house first, though. So... in there... sex room. Uh... here is another... sex room. Yeah, if you ever feel the need... for more. |
Ally |
Very sensible. What about upstairs? |
Paul |
Oh, that is a home office. |
Ally |
Ohhh... |
Paul |
I'm kidding. It's a sex room. |
Ally |
Yay! |
Clip 13 S02 E09: "No Power: Part 1" |
There's been a power cut. The house is in darkness. And can Paul find a single candle? Of course not. Which leads to this awkward exchange with his own mother. |
Paul |
Sh*t... fu*k's sake. Horse c*cks. How can we not have any candles? |
Jim |
We had candles on all the time in the seventies. Power always seemed to be off. |
Leah |
Yes, in hindsight it seemed to be romantic but I don't think it was, though. |
Alex |
No. There was nothing terribly sexy about walking into a glass coffee table. |
Jackie |
Ooh, I dunno. There's bound to be sites on the internet about it. Everything's porn to someone these days. |
Paul |
Yeah, all right, Mum. Anyway, I wouldn't Google porn and glass coffee tables. |
Clip 14 S02 E09: "No Power: Part 1" |
Jacob is Luke's best (and only) friend. They get on like a house on fire and Luke has even managed to introduce his new bestie to the world of Two-Tone. Whatever that is. |
Luke |
Jacob says he thinks I've been looking really cool lately. |
Paul |
Well, you are, mate. |
Luke |
And he says thanks for getting me into Two-Tone 'cos it meant I was able to get him into Two-Tone. And he loves it. |
Paul |
Well, it's great music. No, fu*k it... it's the best music. Hands down. And that includes everyone. Mozart... you know, all... all those twats and if there's anything you wanna hear that I don't have, right? Log onto my account as me, download it - |
Luke |
Feels good to have introduced Jacob to something. You know... cultural. |
Paul |
Hmm-mm. |
Luke |
It's usually the other way around. |
Paul |
Yeah, well, I'm glad he likes it as much as you. |
Luke |
Thanks, Dad. Really. |
Paul |
You are welcome, mate. That's what dads are for. You know, introducing you to music you might not have heard and hoping you fall in love with it. |
Luke |
Did Grandad do that with you? |
Paul |
Fu*k no! That man listened to wall-to-wall bollocks! |