The Fast Show | Season 1
© 1994 British Broadcasting Corporation
The Fast Show ran between 1994 and 2014 and introduced us to a plethora of comedy characters the likes of which the world had never previously seen. Who can forget Ted & Ralph, Ron Manager, Ken & Kenneth (the pervy tailors) and Louis Balfour? Let's get this party started!
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Clip 1 S01 E01 |
The joy of group therapy sessions is that your fellow members will listen attentively to your issues. Unless they're desperate for a beer, that is. |
Woman |
And I was twelve when I discovered I was adopted. Um, my... real parents hadn't wanted me, apparently. Um, it's... it's pretty hard dealing with those feelings of rejection when you're that young. And then when I was fifteen my adoptive parents abandoned me as well. And since then I've really felt pretty alone. And now Robin says he wants to leave me too. You know, and I just don't know what to do. Everything's falling apart. Everything is - |
Man 1 |
Does anyone fancy a pint? Only I'm gasping. |
Man 2 |
Go on then! |
Man 1 |
Lovely! |
Clip 2 S01 E01 |
This sketch is filmed in the style of a gritty New York film noir crime drama but it has a funny twist. All of the characters have unpronounceable names! |
Chief |
Yeah? |
Tony |
Afternoon, sir. |
Chief |
Glad you could make it. Now, you two guys'll be workin' together on this one. Johnny, I want you to meet Officer DeBerzin... DeBerznik... Officer DeBroo... DeBirk... DeBuk... DeBarskity... this guy. |
Tony |
Tony. |
[He and JOHNNY shake hands] |
Narrator |
The Unpronounceables. |
Chief |
Right, Tony... I want you to meet my right hand man. This is Johnny Gwalskio... Johnny Walksi... |
Johnny |
It's, er, W-w-wehowaz... W-w-wejay... W-jeywuz... |
Chief |
Johnny Wal... Wirl... Wirrilwiz? Wait, I got an idea - let me call my secretary. |
[He uses the intercom on his desk] |
Miss Chencho... Miss Cho... Miss Cheche... Chung-Chek... |
Secretary |
What is it, Lieutenant McCork..., McCofa... |
Chief |
Ah, forget it. Here's to your future in crime-bustin', boys! |
Tony |
It's an honour to be working with ya, and a great privilege to be working for the fffbee. |
Chief |
The "Fffbee?" |
Johnny |
The ffebe... |
Tony |
ffih... |
Chief |
How d'you spell that? |
Tony |
Phoebe. |
Johnny |
Chief |
Doesn't sound right to me. |
Clip 3 S01 E01 |
Paola Fisch is the Spanish weathergirl portrayed by the late, great and amazingly funny Caroline Aherne. Her catchphrase? SCORCHIO! |
Paola |
Hello! Classicos de para dos meterology a Valley Portos... scorchio! In lea por notra anterior... scorchio! E nu como a ta exterior... scorchio! Manto Blanco... scorchio! Coasta... scorchio! Metorologicos mañana... |
[She turns the weather board to reveal the same on the other side] |
Oh - scorchio! |
Newsreader 1 |
Mmm - scorchio! |
Newsreader 2 |
Brrrr-rrrr! |
Clip 4 S01 E01 |
Introducing Profesor Denzil Dexter of the University of Southern California. He's a stoner and really shouldn't be wasting public money in this way. It's almost criminal. |
Denzil |
We took four cardboard tubes, the kind of tube you'd find in a regular brand of household toilet tissue and then proceeded to place them on the floor, making four columns equidistantly, thus. |
[He arranges four tubes on the floor] |
We wanted to test if these cardboard tubes would support the average body weight of a human man. |
[He stands on the tubes which, predictably, crumple under foot] |
No! |
Clip 5 S01 E02 |
Unlucky Alf is a widower and the unluckiest man in England. Everything he touches turns to sh*t and he can't even get himself a pet without there being complications. |
Alf |
Ah've just bought meself a parrot. Something to keep me company now that ah'm on me own. Though knowin' my luck it prob'ly won't say owt. |
Parrot |
Wa*ker! Wa*ker! Wa*ker! Twat! Twat! Twat! You twat! Twat! Twat! Twat! |
Clip 6 S01 E02 |
We've all met couples like it. They just can't help themselves, can they? They HAVE to spark up a conversation when all you want to do is enjoy your journey in peace. |
Renee |
Oh, you're going to Turkey? Oh, you lucky thing! Oh, we've been to Turkey, meself and Roy. 1990 we went to Turkey, '91 - Turkey, '92 - Turkey, '93 - Morecambe. Ooh, it's norra patch on Turkey though, is it, Roy? Oh, I said it's not got the same atmosphere. What did I say, Roy? |
Roy |
It's not got the same atmosphere. |
Renee |
Oh, but I got a really d*cky tummy on the Wednesday. I said, "Ooh, Roy - me tummy's off!" What did I say, Roy? |
Roy |
She said she could'a sh*t through the eye of a needle. |
Renee |
I did not say I could "sh*t through the eye of a needle", Roy. |
Clip 7 S01 E02 |
Ken & Kenneth are tailors. Pervy tailors who just can't help but turn every conversation with a customer into one about sex. |
Ken |
Ooh, suit you, sir. |
Kenneth |
Suit you, sir. |
Ken |
Ooh, suit you, sir. |
Kenneth |
Were you out with a lady last night, sir? |
Ken |
Ooh, did she want it, sir? |
Kenneth |
Did she, sir? |
Ken |
Did she? |
Kenneth |
Did she want it, sir? |
Ken |
Ooh, suit you, sir. |
Kenneth |
Suit you, sir. |
Ken |
Ooh! |
Clip 8 S01 E02 |
Professor Denzil Dexter is back with yet another bizarre experiment. This time he's heating up and drinking bear urine. I know, right? |
Denzil |
Using a Bunsen burner, we heated this beaker of bear's urine to 37 degrees centigrade. That's human body temperature. |
[DENZIL takes a sip of the stuff from the beaker] |
It tastes revolting! Now Dave with sub-vectors. Dave... |
Clip 9 S01 E02 |
One of the best bits of The Fast Show are the easter eggs they save for the end credits. This one was especially brilliant. |
Narrator |
Don't miss on next week's show, "The Cheery Milkman". |
[We cut to a milkman, leaning out of his milk float which is matching an elderly lady in speed and direction] |
Milkman |
Morning Mrs. B. I've left you two as usual! Shame about that nice Mrs. Cox, wannit? In the maisonettes? It was three weeks before they found her. There were milk bottles piling up outside - I couldn't get any more in the porch. They had to cut 'er off the mattress. Still, never mind! |
Clip 10 S01 E03 |
When an engaged couple attend Suit You to find a suitable, er... suit for their wedding, little do they know that there's some pure filth in store for them. |
Ken |
Will you be giving her a seeing-to tonight, sir? |
Customer |
Pardon? |
Kenneth |
The young lady, sir. Will you be giving her a seeing-to, sir? |
Customer |
I don't think that's any of your business! |
Kenneth |
No, of course not, sir. How clever of you to have noticed, sir. |
Ken |
Yes, really, Ken, it's quite inappropriate. None of our business if he's up all night rogering the tart, is it, sir? |
Customer |
I think we should try another place! |
Kenneth |
Would sir like to sit down? |
[KEN and KENNETH place chairs behind the couple and push them down onto them] |
Ken |
Does sir have a honeymoon hotel booked? |
Customer |
Well, I... |
Kenneth |
Ooh, will it be the bridal suite, sir? |
Ken |
Ooh, I do hope so, sir. Will it be the bridal? |
Kenneth |
No, he'll just hold her by the ears. Ooh, sorry, sir. Old joke, sir. Just slipped it in, sir. |
Ken |
You'll be slipping it in tonight, won't you, sir? Ooh, suit you! |
Kenneth |
Suits you, sir! |
Ken |
Can I watch, sir? |
Kenneth |
May I take pictures, sir? |
Ken |
Ooh! Suit you! |
Kenneth |
Suit you, sir. |
Bride |
Oh, go on, let them. |
Ken & Kenneth |
Ooh! Suits you, madam! |
Clip 11 S01 E06 |
Ron Manager is typical of many 1990s football pundits who popped up on Match of the Day to spout unbelievable bullsh*t about the game for hours. |
Ron Manager |
Mmm. Arr. Yes. Marvellous, isn't it? You know, wasn't it? Cor! First half to die for, you know. Angles? Through-balls? Popping up out of nowhere to slot it under the advancing keeper's body? Phew! All skills learnt in the park? You know, small boys? Jumpers for goalposts? Mmm? Secretly rolling the ball in dog's muck and getting your friend to head it? Hmm? Enduring image, isn't it? Enduring smell. |
Presenter |
Sadly though, the first half ruined by that ugly, off the ball incident. |
Tommy Stein |
Oh, that's the game all over these days. I mean, you've got to win at all costs. |
Ron Manager |
Ooh, yes, it's the money men, isn't it? You know, the "Mister Ten Percenters" running the game? Phew! Far cry from small boys in the park, jumpers for goalposts, three and in, showing their willies to each other, isn't it? |
Presenter |
Yes, thank you, Ron. If we could return to football for a moment. |
Ron Manager |
Football? Twenty two grown men chasing a ball round a muddy field? Football? What's it for? Who cares? Phh! You know. Hmph! Trees, are they the lungs of the planet? Is there life on Mars? Ziggy played guitar. Is there any future? Is it all over? Hard to say, really. My wife's left me! |
Clip 12 S01 E06 |
The Valiant Breed (1958) isn't a real film. But it should be. It's got everything you need in a wartime drama. But with slightly less family-friendly language. |
Officer |
Right, chaps, here's the gen. Someone's got to run up that gulley, chuck a hand grenade through the slit, and take out that damn pill-box. |
Soldier 1 |
Well, I ain't goin'! |
Soldier 2 |
Bollocks to that! |
Soldier 3 |
Don't look at me! |
Officer |
Oh, come on, chaps! Where's your spunk? I need someone to run up the gulley, and take out the damn pill-box. |
Soldier 1 |
You bloody do it, then! |
Soldier 2 |
Yeah, go on, sir! |
Soldier 3 |
You go! |
Officer |
Fu*k off! |