Ghosts (UK) | Season 4
© 2019 Monumental Pictures
When Alison and Mike unexpectedly inherit Button House, they don't realise that it comes with more than its fair share of ghosts. A caveman who lived and died on the site during the paleolithic era, a murdered lady of the house, a burned witch, a skewered Scoutmaster, a camp Army Captain, a frustrated poet... And they all become the most unlikely of friends.
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Clip 1 S04 E01: "Happy Holiday" |
It's easy to be star struck. I once bumped into Nick Knowles coming out of M&S. Yeah. I know. I'm not sure why I mentioned that, either. |
Pat |
It is exciting, meeting someone off the telly though, isn't it? You know, someone famous? I actually met Bobby Davro in the changing rooms of the Thimbleby Leisure Centre. I lent him my talc. |
Captain |
Mm. I met Field Marshal Harold Alexander. Bally hero. |
Pat |
Anyone else? |
Thomas |
Byron. Was a tosspot. |
Kitty |
I suppose if I'd lived a little longer, I might have met someone interesting. |
Lady Button |
I met the Elephant Man. |
Alison |
What? You met John Merrick? What was he like? |
Lady Button |
Rather boring. Couldn't see the fuss. |
Julian |
Hmm, let me see... how about... the Queen?! Now... beat that. |
Humphrey |
Henry the eighth? |
Ensemble |
Whoah! |
Clip 2 S04 E01: "Happy Holiday" |
Mike and Alison are eager to receive their first review as hosts. And one's just come in. It appears sabotaging the wi-fi in the Gate House wasn't the best idea they've ever had. |
Mike |
Hmm! A review. "Lovely house. Pleasant stay. Wi-Fi was patchy. Three stars." |
Alison |
Ohhh, for fu... |
Captain |
Fa, fa, fa, fa... fa, fa, fa... |
Clip 3 S04 E02: "Speak As Ye Choose" |
Robin is surprisingly knowledgeable about Chess. For a caveman, that is. But as cultured as he may appear, he can't help himself. When he sees a squirrel, he has to chase it down. |
Robin |
So you sacrifice your horsey, dooka-dooka, but you trick them with prawns in middle of the board, in a V formation. |
Alison |
You always surprise me, Robin. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I often forget how cultured... |
Robin |
SQUIRREL! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! |
Clip 4 S04 E02: "Speak As Ye Choose" |
Mary describes "passing over" from the afterlife to the life eternal as being "sucked off" because she doesn't understand the sexual connotation of that phrase. |
Mary |
Well, I suppose we should all just make most of it, until we finally receive our blessed suckings-off. |
Clip 5 S04 E02: "Speak As Ye Choose" |
And the sexual innuendo continues. Alison has lost the stone from her mother's ring. A piece of her ring. Her... ring piece. Yeah. Another word for her... ring piece. Sorry about that. |
Thomas |
Alison! Alison! I just wanted to tell you I found your ring piece. Your jewel. And it's - |
Alison |
Right, let me guess, its beauty cannot hope to match the deep pools of my eyes. |
Thomas |
No. I was just going to say it's up in the attic room. |
Clip 6 S04 E03: "The Hardest Word" |
It's a common misunderstanding. Well, actually... no, it's not. But it would be if we actually spent our time talking to the dead. |
Julian |
It was Kitty who pushed her over the edge. |
Kitty |
That's a lie! |
Julian |
You said you wished she was dead. |
Kitty |
No, I didn't. Quite the opposite. I said that I wanted to comfort her and hope that one day, God willing, I'll be able to hug her and hold her and... yes, I see what you mean. |
Clip 7 S04 E03: "The Hardest Word" |
Sorry is NOT the hardest word, regardless of what Elton John would have us believe. Antidisestablishmentarianism is the hardest word. Unless you're Robin. Then it's "Apothecary." |
Pat |
I suppose Elton John was right. Sorry does seem to be the hardest word. |
Robin |
No. Hardest word is "apolocathry." Ap... |
Humphrey |
Apothecary. |
Robin |
Apottecaty. |
Humphrey |
Apothecary. |
Robin |
Apoppercappy. |
Humphrey |
Just say chemist. |
Robin |
No, no, no. Come on. Come on. |
Humphrey |
Ugh. Apothecary. |
Robin |
Apoliceacademy. |
Clip 8 S04 E03: "The Hardest Word" |
You'd think that ghosts, being one step closer to angels, would be able to sing like... well, angels but, as we're about to discover, that's really not the case. |
Ensemble |
[Wailing out of tune] |
Julian |
I mean, come on. |
Lady Button |
One is reminded of Battersea Dogs Home. |
Humphrey |
Really? Was there a fire? |
Clip 9 S04 E03: "The Hardest Word" |
For the record, A Quiet Place is NOT a "chill-out" movie. Just because it has "quiet" in the title, doesn't mean it's going to make for relaxing viewing. |
Mike |
Come on, the feature presentation is about to begin. |
Alison |
Hooray. Okay. What is it? |
Mike |
I think I found the perfect chill-out movie. It's only ninety minutes long and it could not sound more relaxing. "A Quiet Place." |
Alison |
Ooh! |
[We hear the movie playing] |
Alison |
Well, that is the most traumatic thing I will see today. |
Clip 10 S04 E04: "Gone Gone" |
What better way to celebrate the glory of morning but with the Dawn's Chorus? I mean, there's no better way to enjoy your morning glory... no, right. Yeah. I see what I said there. Sorry. |
Kitty |
Sorry, when you said Dawn Chorus Club, I thought you meant we'd be singing. |
Captain |
No. Just the birds, Kitty. |
Julian |
Will there be tits? Only joined so I could say that. |
Lady Button |
Typical, Julian. And you can stop that sniggering, Robin. |
Clip 11 S04 E04: "Gone Gone" |
Oh, God no. No, no, no. Someone needs to tell Kitty that the ascent to Heaven is NOT referred to as being "sucked off." They are two very different experiences. |
Lady Button |
Where's Robin? |
Thomas |
I don't want to be a harbinger of doom... |
Julian |
He does. |
Thomas |
... but I haven't seen him for two days. |
Captain |
Three, now you come to mention it. |
Kitty |
Oh, no. You don't think...? |
Mary |
He's been sucked off. Lucky beggar. |
Clip 12 S04 E06: "Not Again" |
Veganism. I don't understand it. Well, I do but I could never become a vegan. At a push, I could give vegetarianism a go. Temporarily. But to give up dairy, fish and eggs as well? Hell no! |
Captain |
"Veg-ann?" |
Thomas |
Vegan. |
Captain |
What? |
Pat |
No meat, no fish, no dairy. |
Captain |
Oh, right. |
Pat |
Good luck to them, I say. Can't be easy going cold turkey on luncheon meat and Billy Bear ham. |
Thomas |
And eggs. |
Pat |
You what? |
Thomas |
Alison said they don't eat eggs. |
Pat |
What's wrong with 'em? I mean, what they having with their chips? What are they dipping their soldiers in? What they putting on top of their gammon? |
Thomas |
They wouldn't have gammon. |
Pat |
Don't change the subject! What's wrong with eggs? |
Clip 13 S04 E06: "Not Again" |
Mike has bought a massive stuffed bear for Button House. Alison is really not keen. It's not going in the kitchen whilst she still has blood in her veins. So, the staircase it is. |
Lady Button |
Oh! |
Alison |
I know. |
Lady Button |
Oh, I have never seen such a tasteless, mangy looking... oh, it's a Gerrard. |
Alison |
A what? |
Lady Button |
Gerrard & Sons. The undisputed masters of taxidermy. They're the chaps who did Dante for me. |
Alison |
Oh. |
Lady Button |
Oh, yes, yes. Now look at the detail, Alison. Do you see how they've gathered the hide into the pinch of the anus? |
Alison |
Oh, OK. OK. I'm going to just go and think about that sentence, forever. |
Lady Button |
Tremendous. |
Clip 14 S04 E06: "Not Again" |
The stuffed bear has caused quite a stir. Especially for Robin who had a particularly nasty experience with one back in the Paleolithic period. |
Cellar Ghost |
What did it look like, then? |
Robin |
Eh? |
Cellar Ghost |
This bear you saw. Up there. |
Robin |
It look like bear. |
Cellar Ghost |
Well, yeah, but what, brown bear, grizzly bear, Kodiak bear? |
Robin |
I don't know. If you see bear in house, probably right bear. |
Cellar Ghost |
No offence, but what are you scared of? You're already dead. |
Robin |
So is bear. |