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23 MP3 Audio clips from Blackadder II (1986)

Filmed almost entirely at the BBC Television Centre in Wood Lane before a live studio audience, this second outing for the Blackadder character sees him at the Tudor court of Queen Elizabeth I (brilliantly portrayed as an overgrown child by Miranda Richardson) who swings between being totally in love with him and wanting to chop off his head.

Timestamp: 2020-10-30 | Added: 2020-10-30
Blackadder II

Blackadder II

© 1986 British Broadcasting Corporation

Filmed almost entirely at the BBC Television Centre in Wood Lane before a live studio audience, this second outing for the Blackadder character sees him at the Tudor court of Queen Elizabeth I (brilliantly portrayed as an overgrown child by Miranda Richardson) who swings between being totally in love with him and wanting to chop off his head.




Clip 1

EP01: "Bells"

Kate has only her father since her mother shacked up with her Uncle Henry in Droitwich. And he's destitute. But he has a plan. A plan involving his own daughter selling her body for money.

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Kate's Father

I'm sad because, my Darling, our poverty has now reached such extremes that I can no longer afford to keep us. And must look to my own, dear, tiny darling to sustain me in my frail dotage.


But father, surely...

Kate's Father

Yes, Kate. I want you to become a prostitute!


But really, Father.

Kate's Father

Do you defy me?


Why, indeed I do! For it is better to die poor than to live in shame and ignominy.

Kate's Father

No, it isn't!


I'm young and strong and clever. My nose is pretty. I shall find another way to earn us a living.

Kate's Father

Oh, please go on the game. It's a steady job and... and you'd be working from home.


Goodbye, Father. I shall go to London, disguise myself as a boy and seek my fortune.

Kate's Father

Oh why walk all the way to London when you can make a fortune lying on your back?!

Clip 2

EP01: "Bells"

Lord Percy has just missed a target and sent an arrow into Baldrick's flesh. But then, Baldrick was tied to the back of the door holding the target at the time.

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Bad luck, Balders.


Not to worry, my Lord. The arrow didn't in fact enter my body.


Oh, good.


No. By a thousand-to-one chance, my willy got in the way.




Yeah, I'd only just put it there. But now, I will leave it there forever.


Quite so, Baldrick. It can be your lucky willy.


Yes, my Lord. Years from now I'll show it to my grandchildren.


Yes, Baldrick, I think that grandchildren may now be out of the question.

[He pulls the arrow from BALDRICK'S "willy"]

Clip 3

EP01: "Bells"

Kate has arrived in London to make her fortune. She's dressed as a boy but she's fooling no-one.

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[There's a knock at the door]


Come in!


Good day to you, Lord Blackadder.


[Turning to face the visitor]

Ahhh, good day to you... boy. What is it brings you here?


I'm an honest, hard-working lad.

[She slaps her thigh, pantomime style]

But poor and I must report to my father, who is stark-raving mad. Therefore I come to London to seek a servant's wage.


Well, yes indeed. Unfortunately, I already have a servant.


The word is that your servant is the worst servant in London.


Hmm. That's true. Baldrick, you're fired. Be out of the house in ten minutes. Well, young man. You've got yourself a job. What do they call you?




Isn't that a bit of a... girl's name?


Oh, it's... um... short for, um... Bob.






Well, Bob, welcome on board.

Clip 4

EP01: "Bells"

It's Percy's turn to welcome Bob to the Blackadder household. Only he has a tendency to come across as a little... creepy.

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I say, Bob. I think this calls for a celebration. How about a game of Cup and Ball and a slap-up tea at Mrs. Miggins' Pie Shop?


Get lost, creep!



I like you, young Bob. You've got balls.

Clip 5

EP01: "Bells"

Edmund is so enraptured by "Bob" that he hasn't visited the Royal Court in a long time which leads Queen Elizabeth to enquire as to his whereabouts.

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Queen Elizabeth

Where's Edmund these days?

Lord Melchett

Ah, well the whisper on the underground grapevine, ma'am... is that Lord Blackadder is spending all his time with a young boy in his service.

Queen Elizabeth

Oh. Do you think he'd spend more time with me if I was a boy?

Lord Melchett

Oh, surely not, Madam.


You almost were a boy, my little Cherrypip.

Queen Elizabeth



Yeah. Out you popped out of your mummy's tumkin and everyone shouted, "It's a boy! It's a boy!" And then someone said, "But it hasn't got a winkle!" and I said, "A boy without a winkle? God be praised, it's a miracle. A boy without a winkle." And then Sir Thomas Moore pointed out that a boy without a winkle is a girl. And everyone was really disappointed.

Lord Melchett

Ah, yes. Well, you see, he was a very perceptive man, Sir Thomas Moore.

Clip 6

EP01: "Bells"

Edmund is deeply troubled by his feelings for his boy servant and seeks some medical advice from Doctor Leech.

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Doctor Leech

Now then... what seems to be the trouble?


Well, it's my manservant.

Doctor Leech

I see. Well, don't be embarrassed. If you've got the Pox, just pop your, uh... manservant on the table and we'll take a look at it.


No no, no... no. I mean... it's my real manservant.

Doctor Leech

Uh huh, and what's wrong with him?


There's nothing wrong with him. That's the problem. He's perfect. And last night I almost kissed him.

Doctor Leech

I see... so you've started fancying boys then, have you?


Not boys, a boy.

Doctor Leech

Yes, well let's not split hairs... it's all rather disgusting and naturally you're worried.


Of course I'm worried.

Doctor Leech

Well of course you are. It isn't every day a man wakes up to discover he's a screaming bender with no more right to live on God's clean earth than a weasel. Ashamed of yourself?


Not really, no.

Doctor Leech

Bloody hell, I would be!

Clip 7

EP01: "Bells"

Edmund is marrying Kate. Because he now knows that she's not a boy. She's all woman. And all that Edmund needs now is his Best Man by his side to oversee the nuptials and support him.

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I really did think old Flash would have turned up.

[There's an explosion and LORD FLASHHEART descends into the Royal Court]


It's me!




Flash by name, flash by nature. HURRAY!

[An unseen crowd respond]


Where have you been?


Where haven't I been?! WOOF! But I'm here now and -

[He notices PERCY stood where the Best Man should stand]

Who... is THAT?


I dunno, but he's in your place.


Not for long.

[He takes out his dagger and hands it to BALDRICK who is dressed up as a bridesmaid]

Hold that.

[He picks PERCY up by the collar and throws him through the door of the Throne Room before retrieving his dagger from BALDRICK]

Thanks, Bridesmaid. Like the beard. Gives me something to hang on to!

Clip 8

EP01: "Bells"

It didn't take Flash long to make his move. He's stolen Kate from Edmund at the altar. And not only that, he's tickling her tonsils with his tongue.

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Ah! She's got a tongue like an electric eel and she likes the taste of a man's tonsils!

Clip 9

EP02: "Head"

The Queen has made Edmund the Lord High Executioner and he's meeting his staff. Mr Ploppy and Mistress Ploppy. No relation. Just coincidence.

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Now then, woman. If indeed you are a woman. What is your function on death row?

Mistress Ploppy

I'm the last meal cook, Sir. The prisoners may ask me for what they fancy for their last meal -


And you cook for them what they desire?

Mistress Ploppy

Oh yes, Sir. Provided they ask for sausages. Otherwise they tend to get a tiny bit disappointed. Sausages is all I've got.


You are clearly a woman of principle and compassion, Mistress...

Mistress Ploppy

Ploppy, Sir.


Ah, so you are married to...

Mistress Poppy

No. Many people think that but it's pure coincidence. We did laugh when first we found out. "Good morning, Mistress Ploppy!" he'd say. And I'd say, "Good morning, Mister Ploppy!"

[She begins to laugh raucously]


The long winter evenings must just fly by!

Clip 10

EP02: "Head"

Edmund has brought forward the execution of Lord Farrow. Trouble is, his wife has arrived to see him and the Queen has issued a death warrant for Edmund if he refuses. It's time to play dress-up.

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Um... sorry about the delay, Madam. Uh... as you know, you are about to meet your husband, whom you will recognise on account of the fact that he has got a bag over his head.

Lady Farrow

I would know my Darling anywhere.


Well, yes. There are a couple of other things.

Lady Farrow

I am prepared for the fact that he may have lost some weight.


Yes. And some height. That's the interesting thing. Uh, you'll probably hardly recognise him at all, actually.

Lady Farrow

You will be telling me his arm's grown back next.


'Scuse... just for a sec...

[PERCY rushes back inside to impart the news that pretending to be the recently deceased Lord Farrow has just got a whole lot more tricky]

Clip 11

EP02: "Head"

Queen Elizabeth I is about to discover that Edmund has made a terrible, terrible mistake. And in Tudor times, there was only one way to deal with terrible, terrible mistakes.

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Percy... this is a very difficult situation.


Yes, my Lord.


Someone's for the chop. You or me in fact.


Uh, yes.


Let's face facts, Perce. It's you!

Clip 12

EP03: "Potato"

Sir Walter Raleigh is making a triumphant return to England. Crowds have gathered, Percy is excited. Edmund, on the other hand, is indifferent.

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Oh, come on, Edmund! The greatest explorer of our age is coming home. The streets have never been so gay. Women are laughing, children are singing... oh look! Look! There's a man being indecently assaulted by nine foreign sailors and he's still got a smile on his face!

Clip 13

EP03: "Potato"

Potatoes. Easy to forget that they were introduced to the Western world by Sir Walter Raleigh. Without him, no chips, no french fries, no shepherd's pie and no hash browns.

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To you, it's a potato. To me, it's a potato. But to Sir Walter bloody Raleigh, it's country estates, fine carriages and as many girls as his tongue can cope with. He's making a fortune out of the things. People are smoking them, building houses out of them. We'll be eating them next!

Clip 14

EP03: "Potato"

Tired of Walter Raleigh's tall tales, Edmund decides to take a voyage of his own to win back the affections of Queen Elizabeth. All he needs is a captain. And a crew. Oh and a ship.

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Walter Raleigh

Hm, to my mind, there's only one seafarer with few enough marbles to attempt that journey.


Ah, yes. And who's that?

Walter Raleigh

Why... Rum of course. Captain Redbeard Rum.


Well done! Just testing. And where would I find him on a Tuesday?

Walter Raleigh

Uh, well, if I remember his habits he's usually up The Old Seadog.


Ah, yes. And where is The Old Seadog?

Walter Raleigh

Well, on Tuesdays, he's normally in bed with the captain!

Clip 15

EP03: "Potato"

Redbeard has just met Nursie. Nursie likes a man. ANY man. Even a man with no legs and a beard you could lose a badger in.

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In that case, my little puddin' of delight... let's beat about the bush no longer. I know I'm only a bluff old cove with no legs and a beard you could lose a badger in, but if you'll take me, I'm willing to be captain of your ship forever!

Clip 16

EP04: "Money"

The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath & Wells. He's a pretty despicable man. He's a loan shark with a habit of taking a red-hot poker to the bottom of anyone who fails to make payment.

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I will have my money by Evensong tonight or.... YOUR BOTTOM WILL WISH IT HAD NEVER BEEN BORN!

Clip 17

EP04: "Money"

If Edmund doesn't come up with the money, it's red-hot poker time. But in order to come up with the money, he may have to tolerate other things invading his bottom. Down on the docks. So to speak.

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I did have one idea, my Lord but... no. It's stupid, you wouldn't -


What is it?


Well, I have heard there's good money to be made down the docks. Doing favours for sailors.


Favours? What do you mean? Delivering messages, sewing on buttons? I can't...


Not quite.




My Lord?


Are you suggesting that I become a Rent Boy?


Well, good looking bloke like you, posh accent, nice legs... you can make a bomb.

Clip 18

EP04: "Money"

Not all sailors are deviants. Or desperate. Some, like Arthur, merely want a man to pretend to be his mother and kiss him on the cheek before reading him a story. Which is weirder really, isn't it?

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Forgotten what I'm supposed to say.


Oh, get out of the way. I'll do it.

[He walks up to the sailor]

There there, Arthur.

[He kisses the sailor's cheek]

Mummy kiss it better and you shall have a story.


What kind of a story?


I dunno. One about a squirrel, I suppose.

[Time passes]

And then Squirry the Squirrel went... NEEP NEEP NEEP... and they all went home for tea.


Oh... thanks very much me old shivering maties, that was wonderful. Now then... how much do you charge for a good, hard shag?

Clip 19

EP04: "Money"

The Queen has played a silly trick on Edmund and now she feels bad. Or so she says. My suspicion is that this is a second silly trick. But then I'm naturally cynical.

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Queen Elizabeth

I wanted to apologise for the silly trick I played on you.



Queen Elizabeth

It was naughty and bad of me.


It was, my little rosebud. And if you weren't quite so big, it'd be time for Mister and Missus Spank to pay a short, sharp trip to Bottyland.

Queen Elizabeth

Thank you, Nursie.

Clip 20

EP04: "Money"

Mr. and Mrs. Pants are potential buyers for Edmund's house. He's showing them around but the question of the plumbing keeps coming up.

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Mrs. Pants

But what about the privvies?


Well... what we're talking about in, um... privvy terms, is the very latest in front wall, fresh air orifices combined with a wide-capacity gutter installation below.

Mrs. Pants

You mean, you crap out of the windows?

Clip 21

EP05: "Beer"

With Baldrick you have to be very clear when giving instructions. Ambiguity leads to disaster; a lesson that Edmund must surely have learned before now?

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[There's a knock at the door]


Get the door, Baldrick. Get the door.

[BALDRICK literally gets the door, dragging it back into the room with him]

Baldrick, I would advise you to make the explanation you are about to give... phenomenally good.


You said, "Get the door."


Not good enough. You're fired.


But, my Lord, I've been in your family since 1532.


So has syphilis. Now get out.

Clip 22

EP05: "Beer"

Edmund wants to write party invitations. In blood. Not HIS blood. Baldrick's blood.

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Uh, do you have a knife?




Good. Because I wish to quickly send off some party invitations and to make them look particularly tough, I wish to write them in blood. Your blood to be precise.


How much blood will you actually be requiring, my Lord?


Oh, nothing much. Just a small puddle.


Will you be wanting me to cut anything off? An arm or a leg for instance?


Oh good Lord, no. A little pr**k should do.

Clip 23

EP06: "Chains"

Prince Ludwig. He's the master of disguise. As Edmund is about to find out. Not only have they met before but, dressed as a waitress, Edmund went to BED with him. Ludwig, I mean. HE was dressed up.

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Prince Ludwig

You do not remember me then, Herr Blackadder?


I don't believe I've had the pleasure.

Prince Ludwig

Oh, on the contrary. We have met many times. Although you knew me by another name. Do you recall a mysterious black marketeer and smuggler called Otto with whom you used to dine and plot and play the biscuit game at The Old Pizzle in Dover?


My... GOD!

Prince Ludwig

Yes! I... was the waitress.


I don't believe it. You? Big Sally?

[PRINCE LUDWIG puts on a squeaky, falsetto voice]

Will you have another piece of pie, my Lord?


But I went to bed with you, didn't I?

Prince Ludwig

For my country, I am willing to make any sacrifice.


Yes but I'm not. I must have been paralytic!

Prince Ludwig

Indeed you were, Mister Floppy!


Yes, all right. Very funny. Very funny. Now... would you mind -

Prince Ludwig

[Putting on the falsetto voice again]

Such a disappointment for a girl.


Yes, all right... you've had your little joke.

Prince Ludwig

It really doesn't matter. We'll try again in a few minutes. Have a look through these naughty parchments!