Billy Bob Thornton plays Willie, a perpetual drunk and seasonal Santa, the highlight of whose year is to empty the safe of whichever department store is stupid enough to employ him and his partner-in-crime, Marcus (Cox). Expect strong language and the death of Christmas as know it.
Billy Bob Thornton plays Willie, a perpetual drunk and seasonal Santa, the highlight of whose year is to empty the safe of whichever department store is stupid enough to employ him and his partner-in-crime, Marcus (Cox). Expect strong language and the death of Christmas as know it.
Willie's opening monologue gives you some insight into how he wound up a drunk, belligerent Santa and what he truly thinks of his profession.
I've been to prison once, I've been married... twice, I was once drafted by Lyndon Johnson and I had to live in sh*t-ass Mexico for two and a half years for no reason. I've had my eye socket punched in, a kidney taken out and I've got a bone-chip in my ankle that's never gonna heal. I've seen some pretty sh*tty situations in my life but nothing has ever sucked more ass than this. If I'd known I was going to have to put up with a bunch of screaming brats p*ssing on my lap for thirty days out of the year, I'd have killed myself a long time ago. Come to think of it, I still might.
Clip 2
The monologue continues. If it weren't so amusing, it would bring you to tears.
Where I come from, we didn't celebrate Christmas. Not because we were Jewish but because my Dad was a worthless coward fu*king a**hole whose idea of a present was a daily punch to the back of the head. He did teach me how to crack a safe, though. My Dad never did sh*t with his life, so he took it out on me. You could say I'm no different and I'd have to say you were right, but at this point it's too late to start over. Funny how things work out. It's fu*king hilarious!
Clip 3
Don't test Santa, kids. If you somehow believe, deep down inside, that the guy whose lap you're sitting on isn't the real Santa, don't say it. For God's sake, don't say it!
I saw you at another mall.
Well, I'm very happy for you.
You're not really Santa. If you were Santa, you could do magic.
You wanna see some magic? Here... let's watch you disappear!
[WILLIE bodily shoves the kid off his lap]
Clip 4
Bob Chipeska is starting to question his decision in employing Willie as the store's Santa. He's expressing these doubts to Marcus whilst Willie is still drunk as a skunk.
[WILLIE is, once again, in a drunken stupor and is hearing a conversation between MARCUS and BOB CHIPESKA as though under water. Only the word "performance" brings him back into the room]
Bob Chipeska
Yes, your performance... you know... the, um...
Performance like sexual?
Bob Chipeska
Excuse me?
Willie -
Are you saying there's something wrong with my gear? Is that what you're saying to me?
Bob Chipeska
I'm sorry... your gear?
Willie -
My fu*k-stick.
[MARCUS elbows WILLIE in the stomach]
Hey, Willie... take a seat. You know how your blood sugar is.
Bob Chipeska
He's not going to say fu*k-stick in front of the children, is he?
No, no, no! It's a joke. An adult joke. For us. Adults.
Clip 5
Thurman, meet Willie. Willie, meet Thurman. Little did either of them realise what this chance encounter would lead to.
Marcus, get this kid off me before he p*sses on me, all right?
[THURMAN pulls WILLIE'S elasticated beard away from his face]
Don't fu*k with my beard.
It's not real.
No sh*t! Well, it was real but, you see, I got sick and all my hair fell out so I have to wear this fu*king thing.
How did you get sick?
I loved a woman who wasn't clean.
Missus Santa?
No, it was her sister.
What's it like at the North Pole?
Like the suburbs.
Which one?
Apache Junction. What the fu*k do you care? Now, get off my lap. You sit there like a fu*king retard...
You are really Santa, right?
No. I'm an accountant. I wear this fu*king thing as a fashion statement, all right?
Clip 6
Sue has always had a thing for Santa. She puts it down to her father being Jewish and Santa, therefore, being forbidden. But whatever the reason, she wants him in the worst way.
You're pretty regular for a Santa.
You know, it's not that big a fu*king deal. It's just a job, you know what I mean? I'm an eating, drinking, sh*tting, fu*king Santa Claus.
Prove it.
[We cut to an exterior shot of a car, WILLIE and SUE on the backseat, her riding him like a pony]
Bob Chipeska has stumbled upon Willie in a changing room, "in flagrante" with a female member of his staff.
[INT: Outside of changing room stall, WILLIE'S legs still in leather boots visible below the door astride a female's legs]
Oh, Zena! For the love of Mary!
Keep it goin'.
Jesus Christ! Yeah, baby! Yeah, baby! You ain't gonna sh*t right for a week!
[Their clandestine encounter continues and we then cut to BOB CHIPESKA'S office where MARCUS and WILLIE are facing some awkward questions]
It won't happen again. I can promise you that. Willie here has low blood sugar, that's all.
Clip 8
Funny how an innocent question can be misinterpreted and cause unintentional offence, isn't it? But I guess this question is an occupational hazard for those who pretend to be Santa.
So... do you like kids?
Fu*k no! What do you think I'm some kind of pervert or something?
I just mean because you're Santa Claus!
Clip 9
Thurman is constantly getting bullied. Every time he gets off the bus, his curly blonde hair and obesity makes him an easy target.
[Approaches with his underwear pulled up under his armpits from the stellar wedgie he's just been given by the local skateboard kids]
Aww, Jeez... is that your underwear?
Part of it.
Where the hell's the rest of it? No, actually don't tell me. I don't want to know. What do you want?
Clip 10
Willie has turned up late for work very, VERY drunk. He can't even clamber into his chair. He's in no fit state to entertain children.
I've p*ssed myself.
What the fu*k do you think you doin'? You son of a b**ch -
[MARCUS begins punching WILLIE about the neck and body]
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, come on, come on, come on, come on, look 'eh, hey, hey, come on, come on! Look here, get him out of here. I'll go smooth things over with Chipeska. Tell him it's food poisoning or somethin'.
What do you mean, get him outta here?
Take him to the car.
In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a mother-fu*kin' dwarf. So, unless you got a fork-lift handy, maybe you should lend a hand. Hmm?
See, that figures. You want all kinds of set-aside, special treatment 'cos you're handicapped. You're all the same.
Special treatment? I'm three foot fu*kin' tall, you a**hole! It's a matter of physics. Draw me a sketch of how I get him to the car. HUH?!
B**ch! B**ch! B**ch!
Sketch it up, you fu*kin' moron. Fu*kin' Leonardo da Vinci.
What you call me, thigh high?
I called you a giddy homo from the fifteenth fu*kin' century, you d*ckhead.
I could stick you in my ass, small-fry.
Yeah? You sure it ain't too sore from last night?
You got some lip on you, midget!
Well, these lips were on your wife's pu**y last night. Why don't you dust that thing off once in a while? A**hole!