Man Down | Season 2
© 2013 Avalon Television
Dan Davies is a 6'8" tall, bumbling drama teacher whose personal life is beset by complications. He lives in a flat adjoining his parents' house, his father (Rik Mayall) is a lunatic who regularly attacks him for laughs, his girlfriend has dumped him and his best friend, Jo (Roisin Conaty) is lacking in the brain department.
Play |
Clip 1 S02 E01: "Perfect Woman" |
Emma is taking a load of kids on a school trip. Dan has run over to speak to her before she departs and he's inexplicably out of breath. Karen, his student nemesis, has noticed. |
Emma |
I would say come with us but there are a lot of hills. |
Dan |
Ahhh... |
Karen |
It's be awful if you had a massive, fatal heart attack. |
Dan |
What's your, um... nan wearing today? Just 'cos... well, you've got her clothes, so... |
Karen |
Pr**k! |
Emma |
Yep, that's enough, thank you. Get on the bus, you lot. |
Clip 2 S02 E01: "Perfect Woman" |
As we get older, we put on a few pounds and grow hairs in places we didn't even know supported hair growth. But we don't discuss this with our friends. Dan, however, can't help himself. |
Dan |
[Whispering conspiratorially to Brian] |
Do you know what my body looks like these days? It looks like an inbred toddler has picked the pastry off a pork pie and squeezed the meat into what he thinks is the shape of a man. |
Clip 3 S02 E01: "Perfect Woman" |
Shakira. She's brutally honest and just a little bit psychotic. Not the sort of person, therefore, I'd turn to in order to ask a personal question like this one. |
Dan |
Shakira, do you think I'm fat? |
Shakira |
As fu*k. |
Clip 4 S02 E01: "Perfect Woman" |
Dan is on a date with the shy but somehow beguiling Lotti. She's a dark horse. Especially when it comes to her nocturnal preferences. If you catch my drift... |
Dan |
Look at me. You're not into this, are you? I mean, how would I know? I don't know what you're into. You never say but... you're not into this. |
Lotti |
I would tell you what I was into, but... you never shut up! You silly, lovely man. |
Dan |
Oh. Lotti? |
Lotti |
Yes, Dan? |
Dan |
What are you into? |
[Cut to INT: bedroom. LOTTI is riding DAN like a disobedient pony and it becomes very obvious that what she's into involves role play. Specifically, DAN being a greengrocer on a market stall] |
Lotti |
Dan |
What? |
Lotti |
Dan |
What? |
[DAN spins a paper bag containing some apples closed as LOTTI continues to ride him] |
Lotti |
FU*K, YES! How much are they? |
Dan |
I don't know. |
Lotti |
How... much are your FU*KING APPLES?! |
Dan |
50p a pound? |
Lotti |
Oh. Sell them to me. |
Dan |
Lotti |
Dan |
Lotti |
Dan |
Clip 5 S02 E02: "Kindness" |
Dan Davies has devised a play about community and he and his students are rehearsing a scene. |
Dan |
Right. Concentrate. Go. |
[ROBIN begins to play out the scene] |
Hello there! |
Robin |
Hello! |
[BOY farts loudly] |
Dan |
Dennis |
He always sh*ts himself in school plays. |
Robin |
Only if I have lines. I never shat myself when I was the donkey in the nativity. |
Dan |
Just go to the toilet. |
Clip 6 S02 E02: "Kindness" |
I don't have words to describe what you're about to hear. Let's just say that Brian is a big hit with Polly and Nesta and they shower him with love the likes of which Dan has never known. |
Polly |
Oh look! You can get your name on a piece of rice. |
Nesta |
Brian. Would you like your name on a piece of rice? My treat. |
Brian |
I couldn't, Auntie. I can... call you Auntie? |
Nesta |
You can call me anything you want, dear boy. If you were thirsty, I would happily wet-nurse you. If these wells weren't so very dry. |
Clip 7 S02 E03: "Diversity" |
Dan is in trouble. Again. This time a complaint has been made that he has acted in a homophobic manner. During an exam. Which is all about to make perfect sense. If you're Dan, that is. |
Emma |
What did you do while you were invigilating the science GCSE exam last week? |
Dan |
Nothing, I mean... had a couple of games of Camp Aisle. |
Emma |
Right. What's Camp Aisle? |
Dan |
You know... Camp Aisle. Me and Dave from English invented it. You take it in turns to m - |
Emma |
Mince up and down between the rows of desks in an incrementally camp manner whilst stifling giggles. |
Dan |
It's not just me. |
Emma |
Well, you were the one who was seen. |
Dan |
That's because I'm the best! |
Emma |
It's offensive. And it's offended the gay... person who's complained. |
Dan |
WHAT?! June Telford from Science? She's not gay. "The sixties were a c*ck-harvest, Dan." Her words. |
Emma |
It's a pupil. |
Dan |
There's a gay kid in year ten? Brilliant! Who is it? |
Emma |
I won't be naming names. |
Dan |
Well, do they do drama? |
Emma |
No. |
Dan |
Well, why not? I need those guys. |
Emma |
Dan |
Come on... gays improve plays. |
Emma |
You haven't got a clue, have you? |
Clip 8 S02 E04: "The Phant" |
Again, I'm not sure how to describe this clip except to say that it's the stuff nightmares are made of. Just be glad you've not got the corresponding visuals. |
Emma |
I can't keep covering your ass, Dan. He doesn't like the arts. He's made that clear. You need to add some serious value to your department. Do you know what that means? |
Dan |
Yes, I know what that means. It means letting the new Head tea-bag me. |
[DAN performs a frankly hideous mime which suggests the Headteacher's balls are in his mouth] |
Hello new Head! Ooh, let's get these all squeaky clean. Are you waxing these? They're very soft. |
[He notices that EMMA is understandably repulsed] |
Dan |
I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from. I'm very tired. |
Clip 9 S02 E04: "The Phant" |
Nesta has outstayed her welcome. At least in Dan's eyes. She's an overbearing character who makes life very difficult for him. |
Dan |
How long is she staying? It's been three months. Should you not be back at the farm, randomly executing wildlife? |
Nesta |
The boy's hysterical. Leave him to me, Polly. Right. Come here, boy. |
Dan |
What? |
Nesta |
[DAN, reverting to childhood, obediently shuffles towards NESTA] |
Now, Daniel... you throw a bucket of water over a lesbian... she'll be shocked for a moment. And then an hour later, she'll be back... scissoring one of her short-haired friends and why shouldn't she be? You take my point? |
Dan |
No! |
Clip 10 S02 E05: "Dennis" |
You can always rely on Karen to say it as it is. She might be a child but she doesn't hold back when it comes to her hatred for Mr. Davies. |
Karen |
Why would I take this bullsh*t when I'm in the top stream for everything else? |
Dan |
Oh, itchy chin you are 'cos you've got a pushy mum. |
Karen |
Who think's you're a nob! |
["Itchy Chin!" was a saying, popularised in UK schools in the 1990's used (along with a corresponding hand gesture) to express disbelief, especially when someone made an outrageous or unbelievable assertion] |
Clip 11 S02 E05: "Dennis" |
The Raleigh Chopper and the Raleigh Grifter. I had both when I was a boy. And I loved them. I do, however, realise that riding either of them now would make me look fu*king ridiculous. So I don't. |
Dan |
This is what it's all about, Dennis. Days of yore. Just two kids on classic bikes. |
[He spots two TEENAGERS at a bus stop] |
Teen |
Clip 12 S02 E05: "Dennis" |
I should mention that Dan has temporarily fostered young Dennis which is why they are on a road-trip on their classic bikes. Brian has come along for the ride. And he's the sensible one. |
Brian |
A pushbike isn't designed for extreme hill descent. If you'd spent a little more time listening in physics lessons and a little less time drawing pictures of Yogi Bear fellating himself, you might have known that. |
Dennis |
What's that? |
Dan |
At last! Some innocence! You'll find out about all that in good time, you cheeky young scamp. |
Dennis |
I know what that is, for fu*k's sake! What the hell's Yogi Bear? |
Dan |
See what I mean? It's a ruined generation. |
Dennis |
It's a bored one! |
Clip 13 S02 E06: "The Heath" |
Jo is getting married. To a weirdo who lives in the woods and probably has carnal knowledge of his own sister. Yeah. THAT sort of wedding. Still, Jo has selected her Chief Bridesmaid in readiness. |
Jo |
Ahhh! The Chief Bridesmaid. |
Dan |
Bloody hell! Do I have to do that bit in the speech where I say how nice they look? |
Shakira |
Suck my d*ck! |
Clip 14 S02 E06: "The Heath" |
By popular demand, here is a slightly cut-down version of the Man Down theme. Perfect as a ringtone. You're welcome. |
♪ [Man Down theme] ♪ |
Clip 15 S02 E06: "The Heath" |
It's the stag do (Bachelor Party) and Dan is going up against Nesta in a shove a pie in your face competition. No. I don't understand, either. This is NOT a tradition. |
[NESTA slams a pie into her face and the groomsmen go wild] |
Man |
Apple pie buffet. Two up! |
Brian |
Guys... I don't want to come across as old-fashioned but why don't we go and get a nice steak dinner, toast the groom and get an early night? |
Groom |
Why are you both trying to ruin the boy's night? |
[The crowd boo loudly] |
Dan |
All right. You want me to push a pie into my own face do you, you fu*king bread-munchers. Fine. I can do that. So... |
[DAN shoves the pie into his face which is approximately when he first notices that it's filled with piping hot jam. He screams] |
Oh, FU*K that burns! |
Man |
[The crowd cheer loudly whilst Dan continues to scream] |
Clip 16 S02 E06: "The Heath" |
There is a roadblock standing between Dan, Jo, Brian and the wedding venue. And the roadblock is manned by men wearing balaclavas who say they're terrorists. No. They're just window-licking weirdos. |
Man 1 |
Brian |
Okay, that's it. I was being polite but if you're going to mix up your paramilitary organisations, I'm stepping in. The IRA ceased operations after the peace agreement and they certainly didn't do fatwas. |
Man 1 |
We might be the Taliban. |
Man 2 |
Or we may be the PTA. |
Brian |
What's THAT?! |
Dan |
It's the Parents Teachers Association. I mean, they're a**holes but they've never resorted to sectarian violence! |