After accidentally crash-landing in 2022, time-travelling fighter pilot Adam Reed (Ryan Reynolds) must team up with his 12-year-old self (Walker Scobell) for a mission to save the future by destroying the very thing that allowed him to be there in the first place!
After accidentally crash-landing in 2022, time-travelling fighter pilot Adam Reed (Ryan Reynolds) must team up with his 12-year-old self (Walker Scobell) for a mission to save the future by destroying the very thing that allowed him to be there in the first place!
Young Adam has been suspended from school for fighting. Only he wasn't fighting. He was being beaten up by Ray and Chuck. It's just not fair.
Young Adam
It wasn't my fault.
I know you, Adam. I know that mouth of yours. I know exactly what got you punched.
Young Adam
He was giving me crap in front of the whole class. I couldn't just take it.
He's twice your size.
Young Adam
Everyone is twice my size. I've seen babies bigger than me.
I don't understand you.
Young Adam
Dad would.
What's going on, honey? Can you just tell me? If I keep having to leave work in the middle of the day, I'm gonna lose my job. It's the third time you've been suspended for fighting.
Young Adam
I know. You'd think I'd be better at it by now.
Clip 2
Ellie is going on a date. Only it's not a date. Is it? Maybe it is a date. Why is she going on a date? Because Adam really isn't happy about it.
Young Adam
Where you goin'?
Oh, just out to dinner with a friend.
Young Adam
Which friend?
His name's Derek. We work together.
Young Adam
You're goin' on a date.
It's not a date. I don't think it's a date.
Young Adam
Your dress thinks it's a date.
Oh, it is a date. I am going on a date. Why am I going on a date?
Young Adam
Can we please stop saying "date" now? Thanks.
Adam, I'm sorry. We... we should have spoken about this. I... I don't know how to handle it. Let's talk about it right now.
Young Adam
Dear God, no.
Clip 3
Like Elliot discovered E.T. in the woodshed, so Young Adam has discovered his future self in his father's shed. And he's a little bit freaked out by the experience.
Big Adam
Take it easy.
[YOUNG ADAM screams and falls down in fright]
Or, you know, fall down and scream.
Clip 4
The two Adams are now in the house. Young Adam is looking through his future self's nav bag. His future self isn't happy about this intrusion into his privacy.
Big Adam
Don't... touch that.
Young Adam
I was just looking.
Big Adam
Don't touch my stuff.
Young Adam
Is this a light saber?
Big Adam
No, it's not a light sabre.
Young Adam
Big Adam
No. Enough with the bat, already! All right? If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it already. Because if I'm being perfectly honest with myself, you have a very punchable face.
Clip 5
Big Adam has a bullet wound in his abdomen which, bizarrely, farts every time he coughs. Which is not good. It's also pretty gross.
Big Adam
Urgh. That's weird. It farts when I cough.
Young Adam
Big Adam
Super gross. I'm gonna go upstairs, I'm gonna grab some stuff. Stay cool. You can trust me.
Young Adam
That's easy for you to say. I'm the one who ends up in a therapist's office, telling them about where the bad man touched me.
Big Adam
Oh God! That's where you go? Immediately? You are dark, man.
Young Adam
Who even are you?
Big Adam
That... is... classified.
Young Adam
Why are you here?
Big Adam
Also classi... classified.
Young Adam
Are you in the air force?
Big Adam
When I say "classified," what does your brain hear? "Chocolate?"
Clip 6
Getting your head around the physics of time-travel is complicated. But Young Adam has a pretty good handle on things. And he knows that there are things he can't know.
Young Adam
So by being here and telling me this, you may have just changed my whole future?
Big Adam
Honestly? Your future is pretty tragic either way. I'm kidding! I'm kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm kidding.
Clip 7
Ellie's date with Derek has gone well. Right up until the point he meets Adam who, for a twelve-year-old, can be pretty sarcastic and cutting. Especially when it comes to facial hair.
Oh, hey there, kiddo.
Oh. This is my son, Adam. Adam, this is Derek.
Oh, hey, Adam.
Young Adam
Hello, Derek. You have a wonderful mouth mullet and you must be very proud.
Oh my gosh, Adam.
Never actually heard it called that before.
Well, thanks again.
Sure. See you soon.
Young Adam
Unlikely, but I'll be sure to put in a good word for you, Derek.
Okay. Okay. I'll see you at work.
Clip 8
Is there actually a difference between stealing something and borrowing the sh*t out of it? I'm not sure. But Big Adam is pretty certain there is.
Young Adam
Wait, you stole the jet?
Big Adam
Well, it's encoded to me. So I didn't exactly steal it. I borrowed the sh*t out of it. There's a difference.
Clip 9
Ray Dollarhyde has it coming. He's had it coming for a long time. And Big Adam is giving Young Adam a pep talk on the finer points of beating the sh*t out of a bully.
Young Adam
What are you doing?
Big Adam
Hey, Ray Dollarhyde has been bullying you for years because you're small, and fragile, and you have a big mouth. But here's the thing. He doesn't wanna fight.
Young Adam
Well, I don't wanna fight either.
Big Adam
Well, he doesn't know that, does he? So here's what you're going to do. You're gonna walk over there, and you're gonna raise your hands, and then you're gonna look Ray... right in the eye. And you're gonna smile in a way that says, "I've waited my entire life for this moment." Like you can't wait to watch his soul exit his body. Then you're gonna drop down to your knees and punch him hard as you can in the private bathing suit parts.
Young Adam
I'm sorry, the what now?
Big Adam
Oh! Are we gonna smoke this banana? Or are we gonna talk about it all day? Let's go, go, go, go, go.
Clip 10
When Young Adam fails miserably to fight Ray, Big Adam decides to intervene. And it's not menacing. At all. Uh-uh. Nope.
[Suddenly, BIG ADAM pins RAY against the wall]
What the hell?
Big Adam
I'm not supposed to do this. But did you ever hear the expression, "Every bully has a bully," Ray? Well, yours isn't holding up his end of the bargain, so I'm gonna take over.
What are you talking about?
Big Adam
Sh-sh-sh-sh-shhhh. You're a good fighter. You like to kick ass. You're a big kid. But if you go near Adam again, I'll know, and I will find you, Ray. And it won't be like a couple of kids in a playground scrap. I will pull bones out of your body. I will sharpen them and I will use them to stab little Chuckie, over here.
Wh.. what did I do?
Big Adam
Shut your mouth, Chuck or I'll fill it with Ray's feet. Do you understand what I'm saying, Ray? You got all of it? The bones?
Big Adam
Your feet in Chuckie's mouth? Good. Are you peeing right now?
Big Adam
You're a real streamer. Get yourself home and clean yourself up. Be the change you wanna see, okay?
Clip 11
You'd think that Big Adam would have a greater knowledge than Young Adam, right? You'd think he'd be the one explaining the physics of time-travel. But no. Not a bit of it.
Big Adam
I don't get it. How... how did it come back if it never left?
Young Adam
Unless someone went back and altered the time stream, so the future the jet had left from had already been changed.
[YOUNG ADAM notices that BIG ADAM is having trouble processing this]
God, it's like I traded my brains for those muscles. It's a sh*t deal.
Cute kid.
Big Adam
Precious, isn't he? Don't you just wanna hold him underwater 'til the bubbles stop?
Clip 12
Watching your parents making out is bad enough. But to watch your future self making out with his... your future... well, his wife... that's got to be awkward too, right?
You found me.
[BIG ADAM and LAURA begin to make out passionately]
Young Adam
I'm gonna take my eyes and ears for a walk.
Big Adam
Bye now.
Young Adam
You kids have fun.
Clip 13
Launching from the catapult of an aircraft carrier is pretty jarring but a fast jet capable of time-travel? That's some serious thrust. Thrust which Young Adam just isn't prepared for.
Big Adam
Okay, well park it down there, grab on to that railing, hold on for dear life, and try not to pass out from the G's, okay?
Young Adam
What's a G... SUS!
Clip 14
Always with the d*ck jokes. No matter how inappropriate the situation or who he's talking to. That's Big Adam for ya.
Big Adam
How do you destroy math?
Well, I've never written the algorithm down or demonstrated it to another human being, so it lives here in the old bean, and in the sub-basement in a diamond-hard neuromorphic processor.