Little Britain | Season 1
© 2003 British Broadcasting Corporation
Little Britain first hit UK screens in 2003, bringing with it a wealth of characters which soon became household names and whose catchphrases echoed in playgrounds across the country. It was the brainchild of Matt Lucas and David Walliams and ran for three seasons, getting sharper and funnier with each consecutive episode.
Play |
Clip 1 S01 E01: "Bath of Beans" |
At Kelsey Grammar School (see what they did there?!), the boys are reading from Charles Dickens' Great Expectations under the guidance of Mr. Cleaves. |
Narrator |
For these boys, the first lesson of the day is on Charles Dickens' Great Expectations. |
Boy |
But now I was frightened again and ran home without stopping - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Palfrey, you take over. Top of page one hundred and sixteen. |
Palfrey |
My sister, Mrs. Joe Gargery had brought me up by hand. Knowing her to have a hard and heavy hand and in the - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Johnson, you take over. |
Johnson |
In the habit of laying it upon her husband as well as - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Clark! |
Clark |
I suppose - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Back to Johnson. |
Johnson |
Suppose that - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Pelham, you take over. |
Pelham |
That Joe Gargery and I were both brought up by hand - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Worms! |
Worms |
Not a good-looking - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Meacher. |
Meacher |
...woman - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Read on, boy. |
Meacher |
My sis - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Rolands. |
Rolands |
...ter and I had - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Honkytonk. |
Honkytonk |
I had a general impression that she must have been making Joe Garge - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Phillips. Nash. Papathasaniou. Go on, read. Yes, all of you. |
[Together] |
Joe was a fair man, with - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Melling, Ashworth, join them. |
[Together] |
...of his smooth face, and with eyes - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Scotch accents. |
Boys |
of such a very undecided blue that they - |
Mr. Cleaves |
In the style of the Elephant Man. |
Boys |
sheemed to have shomehow got mixshed with their - |
Mr. Cleaves |
Right, stop! We're not getting anywhere. I will read. Page one hundred and seventeen. Joe... wass... a... milled... mild... mild... Mild. Mild. Good... na-turr... Shall we just watch the video? Yeah. Yeah, better. |
Clip 2 S01 E01: "Bath of Beans" |
At the Uncle Albert Hall (see what they did there?!), a recital of Piano Sonata No. 11 by Alfred Brendel is taking place. |
Narrator |
Meanwhile, at the Uncle Albert Hall, a recital is taking place. |
[A pianist sits at a Grand Piano, playing Piano Sonata No. 11 when he stops abruptly] |
Pianist |
Oh, I had a bag. Where's me bag? No, no, here it is. |
[He resumes playing] |
Clip 3 S01 E01: "Bath of Beans" |
Kenny Craig is a stage hypnotist who has a habit of using his skills for evil rather than good. Here he is on a date, controlling what the young lady chooses from the menu. |
Narrator |
Meanwhile, in Trowby, stage hypnotist Kenny Craig is on a date. |
Kenny Craig |
I usually just have a starter and find that's enough. |
Date |
It's nice here. It's funny. I don't remember saying I'd go on a date with you. I don't know what to have. It all looks so nice. |
Kenny Craig |
The, uh... the set menu is very reasonable. |
Date |
Oh, they do baked lobster. I've never had lobster before. I'll have that. |
Kenny Craig |
Look into my eyes. Look into my eyes. The eyes. The eyes. Don't look around the eyes. Don't look around the eyes. Look into my eyes. You're under. In a moment, the waiter will appear and when he does, you will order from the set menu. Three courses, £8.95. You will NOT order the lobster. Three, two, one, you're back in the room. |
Date |
Oh, there's lots of things I like on the set menu. |
Clip 4 S01 E01: "Bath of Beans" |
Marjorie Dawes runs Fat Fighters, a slimming class which she's woefully under-qualified to lead. And this is why. Cake. She just LOVES cake. |
Marjorie Dawes |
Cake. Yes. Cake. We all like a bit of cake, don't we? I know I do. I love... I do, I love a bit of cake. I do. I just like cake. I'm just one of those people, I come home, and all I want... I just love cake. I love cake. I just love a bit of cake. Cake! I love a bit of cake. Cake. Lovely. |
Clip 5 S01 E02: "Tallest Man" |
Daffyd Thomas is the only gay in the village. That village is Llandewi Breffi. And he's not the only gay there. Not by a long chalk. But he likes to think that he is. |
Daffyd Thomas |
Hello, Mrs Llewellyn. |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Oh, hello, Daffyd. And what can I do you for today? |
Daffyd Thomas |
I'll have a quarter of bonbons and a copy of Gay Times, please. It's my only outlet. |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Is it not on the rack, love? |
Daffyd Thomas |
I couldn't see it. |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Well, it must have gone, then. |
Daffyd Thomas |
I'm sorry? |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
I only get the one in for you so I'd imagine somebody must have bought it. |
Daffyd Thomas |
I don't think so. I think you'll find I am the only gay in this village. |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Oh, I remember. Somebody definitely came and bought it yesterday. It's got Hazel Dean in it and a very informative article on rimming. |
Daffyd Thomas |
Who bought it? |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Do you know, I can't remember. |
Daffyd Thomas |
Think. |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Well, now, erm... |
Daffyd Thomas |
Come on, woman! |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Let's think. Who came in yesterday? Dai Davis, the music master. He might have bought it. |
Daffyd Thomas |
He's not gay. |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Oh, well he does share a cottage with the English master. |
Daffyd Thomas |
They're just friends. |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
No, come to think of it, he just bought Vogue. |
Daffyd Thomas |
See? He's not gay. Who else? Quickly! |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Father Hughes. |
Daffyd Thomas |
A gay priest?! What planet are you on, woman? |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
I remember! |
Daffyd Thomas |
Go on... |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
I was quite surprised, actually, because I had absolutely no idea he liked c*ck. |
Daffyd Thomas |
Who? Who? |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Well, I'd just popped next door to the tea room for a bun and when I came back - |
Daffyd Thomas |
For the love of God, woman, tell me! |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
Noel Jones. |
Daffyd Thomas |
Who? |
Mrs. Llewellyn |
The blacksmith. |
Daffyd Thomas |
Right! |
[DAFFYD storms out to find the blacksmith] |
Clip 6 S01 E04: "Most Cigarettes in a Mouth" |
Who doesn't want Anne on their phone? Perfect as a message tone for any lunatic you happen to know. |
Anne |
Eh, eh, ehhhh! |
Clip 7 S01 E05: "Biggest House of Cards" |
Daffyd Thomas has attended a Sexual Health Clinic for a test. I'm not sure what kind of test but I do know that he doesn't need one. Because he's the only gay in the village. Allegedly. |
Nurse |
So before we give you the test, we do have to ask you a few questions. Don't worry, it's all confidential, okay? So... age? |
Daffyd Thomas |
Twenty-five. |
Nurse |
Occupation? |
Daffyd Thomas |
Gay. |
Nurse |
No. What do you do? |
Daffyd Thomas |
Oh, I see. Um, I am an unemployed out gay man. |
Nurse |
And how many sexual partners would you say you've had in the past year? |
Daffyd Thomas |
None. |
Nurse |
How many would you say you've had in the past five years? |
Daffyd Thomas |
Past five years, you say... excluding myself? |
Nurse |
Yes. |
Daffyd Thomas |
None. |
Nurse |
Have you had any sexual partners? |
Daffyd Thomas |
Oh, no. No. I'm the only gay in the village, you see. |
Nurse |
What, from Llandewi? No, we've had loads of folk in from there. |
Daffyd Thomas |
I don't think so. |
Nurse |
Well, if you haven't had any sexual partners, then I don't think you need the test. |
Daffyd Thomas |
Oh, go on, please. I am a gay, you know. |
Nurse |
Okay. Give me your arm. Make a fist. Now, you may feel a pr**k, but there's a first time for everything. |
Clip 8 S01 E06: "Smallest Ant" |
Something tells me that this is the first and last time that Denver Mills will be invited to give an after dinner speech at the Annual Police Federation Dinner. |
Chief Superintendent |
A little bit of hush, ladies and gentlemen. That includes you, Detective Inspector Willow! |
[Laughter] |
Okay, it is time to introduce you to our special guest speaker of the evening. You may have seen him on "They Think It's All Over". Please give it up for Olympic silver medallist, Denver Mills! |
[Applause] |
Denver Mills |
Evening, all! It's great to be here. You know, when I was a lad, I always dreamed of going into the force. But maybe being an Olympic athlete isn't so different from being a police officer. First of all, we both get a lot of practice running after black guys. The difference is I beat some of mine. I mean caught up with them, not beat them like you do! |
Clip 9 S01 E07: "Largest Mince Pie" |
Len Boothe has been giving a guided tour of the village of Pove for twenty years now. God only knows who'd want to go on it, at very least for a second time but hey... each to their own, I suppose. |
Narrator |
For twenty years now, Len Boothe has been taking visitors on his tour of the charming village of Pove. |
Len Boothe |
Okay, ladies and gents. Uh, first up, on your right, is Saint Robin's church. Er, the church was built in 1508 although there was actually a fire here in 1812 and the original wooden roof was destroyed. It's a funny thing, actually. I will always have fond memories of that church because it was on that bench there that me and my wife Eileen first kissed. And we've been married thirty-two year this year. |
[Applause] |
Thank you very much. Now, next up is the, uh... the Hanging Judge, which is actually the oldest pub in Pove. Dates back to, we think, 1604. Why it's called the Hanging Judge, no-one seems to know. Incidentally, uh... just in the beer garden by the swings is where Eileen first permitted me to have a little go on her breasts. Okay... we're coming up now to the Old Bridge, which actually goes back to Roman times and it was actually under this bridge that my wife first performed an act of oral love upon me. Happy days, yeah. Sorry, it's a... it's a no-smoking vehicle, love. Okay. Now we are coming up to one of the oldest blacksmiths in the country. Legend has it that Charles I stopped off there to get his horse's shoes changed. And it was just down that path there that I first took Eileen up the wrong 'un. Moving on... |