Hale & Pace | Season 7
© 1986 London Weekend Television
Hale & Pace was the comedy sketch show of Gareth Hale & Norman Pace which first hit UK screens in 1986 and went on for 12 years. During its run, it spawned a number of popular and oft-quoted characters and provided some equally memorable spoof musical numbers. It got funnier as time went on which is why we start slowly and build up!
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Clip 1 S07 E01 |
Sister Wendy is a nun. A nun who likes art. Especially when the art contains bare bottoms, penises or any sexual connotations whatsoever. Because Sister Wendy is a randy old nun! |
Sister Wendy |
Hello. This painting is by Rubens. Hasn't this woman got an extraordinarily fat ass? It's almost as if... if you could slap it, it would wobble like a jelly on a plate for about five minutes. And that's what I think of this painting. |
Clip 2 S07 E01 |
Remember those good old-fashioned adverts for the Yellow Pages? You know... in the days before the internet. Yes. Well, this is a spin on one of the classics. |
Man |
I don't suppose you sell eight millimetre Cineprojectors, do you? |
Store Assistant |
I shouldn't think so. What's it for? |
Man |
[Holding up a tin containing 8mm film] |
This. |
Store Assistant |
What a funny-looking video. |
Man |
[Having scanned through the Yellow Pages, he's now on the phone] |
Hello, Harpers? Um, can you transfer some old eight millimetre Cinefilm to video? You can? |
[Cut to INT: Lounge. MAN sits beside his MOTHER on the sofa] |
Here you are, Mum. |
Mother |
What have we here? Naughty videos? |
Man |
Yes. |
Mother |
Aye. He was hung like a stallion, your dad. |
Clip 3 S07 E01 |
Sister Wendy's back again. And this time she's spent far too long studying this painting for evidence of a horse's penis. |
Sister Wendy |
This painting is by Stubbs. This extraordinary horse must be a woman. Because, I've used a magnifying glass and I can't find a penis anywhere. That's what I think of this painting. |
Clip 4 S07 E04 |
Steve the London cabbie has to give his son (Steve Junior) the infamous "Birds & Bees" talk. Not that I've ever understood where the birds and bees come in to it, to be honest. |
Steve |
Steve Junior. Right, um... man to man. Er, heart to heart. Birds and bees. Facts of. Right, uh... geezer's got a wotsisname, and the missus has got a wotsername. Wotsisname, wotsername. Wotsername, wotsername, wotsername, wotsername. A large portion, yes! End of. |
Clip 5 S07 E05 |
Yes, it's Sister Wendy again. This time she's turning her critical eye to the Mona Lisa and providing one theory as to the reason behind her famous smile. |
Sister Wendy |
This is the Mona Lisa by Da Vinci. There are many theories surrounding her extraordinarily enigmatic smile. Some people say that her smiling countenance is such because she actually made love just before the portrait was painted. Lucky b**ch! |
Clip 6 S07 E05 |
Oh, good God. Now Sister Wendy is criticising the size of penises on statues. The woman is a dirt-bag! |
Sister Wendy |
Look at the penis on this statue. Isn't it extraordinarily small? Now, I am a nun. But even I've seen a bigger one of this... on a new-born baby. That's what I think of this statue. |